James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

YouTube Presentation : Why Do I not fit into a box or mold :: Your option not mine --- to change your bullshit!
10 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 8:17 AM
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov


My entire personal care mental health wellness team at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health along with public defender attorney Jonathan Arellano Jackson representing #Kramobone-The.Good here.

This email will have spoken voice narrative of the contents fully along with public scan-able QR URL Sharing Codes for public awareness of these issues.  This will be web archived to the following folder URLs.  Each of these URLS points to the same folder but contains direct name binding content presence and cannot be ignored.

I am a Virgo born here in San Bernardino and this was my horoscope page the other day that I captured for use.
I don't use horoscopes often, but in this case, it applies.
The screen snapshot of horoscope site information page reads with a slight added comment here::

All About Virgo : August 23 - September 22

The analytical mind of a Virgo is never satisfied.  Ruled by information seeking Mercury, you intelligent individuals live to soak up knowledge.  Expecting nothing but the best from yourself and those around you, service-oriented Virgo is always happy to help others achieve certain standards.  Luckily, while your mind is always reeling with the next critique, your fast and witty sense of humor [ which I have lost due to #ConspiracyExposed ] supports your light-hearted side -- and keeps you on the good side of others.


I do not accept the conditions of the status quo against my life choices.  I do not accept irrational thinking paradigms that does not enable my rights as a person with disabilities per the United Nations mandates on our society responsibility and duty toward each other.  These rights that would enable me to become a full and equal contributing member of society to the full accepted practice of sharing wisdom and truth.   I do not except asinine excuses to detach our world realities for selfish sides of disinterested motives or worse yet to cover up or become internal of problems you may find as a conflict of interest to not engage me because of your side of corruption histories that you do not wish to rock the boat as they call it.   It is time to stand up and rock the boat together and tip the boat over and go for a little or big swim as we may need. You will find the use of Madonna's Track Song Swim in a media presentation on Soundcloud in the name of my former case manager at the Colorado Health Network.  The title on Soundcloud is::


Madonna lyrics from Swim off the album Ray of Light

Verse 1]
Put your head on my shoulder baby
Things can't get any worse
Night is getting colder
Sometimes life feels like it's a curse

I can't carry these sins on my back
Don't wanna carry any more
I'm gonna carry this train off the track
I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

[Verse 2]
Children killing children while the
Students rape their teachers
Comets fly across the sky
While the churches burn their preachers

We can't carry these sins on our back
Don't wanna carry any more
We're gonna carry this train off the track
We're gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

Let the water wash over you
Wash it all over you
Swim to the ocean floor
So that we can begin again
Wash away all our sins
Crash to the other shore


I can't carry these sins on my back
Don't wanna carry any more
I'm gonna carry this train off the track
I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

My mission work has now a reaching out platform of commons that I have found to engage in attempting to bring my mission work forward.  This organizations common ideal focus only debuts last month February 4th.

Why does your field of work should be incorporated as unified into mine is obvious by the graphic that is displayed on this page:  It relates to the brain and behavioral sciences of addiction.
Showing a screen snapshot of the top of the problem page from HumaneTech.com --- shows the title banner

Our society is being hijacked by technology.   A picture of a human brain with numbered references to different location areas within our brain. Under the picture of a human brain is the text

What we feel as addiction is a part of something much bigger.
There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of our society.

This site appears online less than 60 days ago.

So, they are at the ground floor of change. I have been in this mission work for over ten years with the registration of my domain set which was started June of 2006.  I started it first.  But you don't trust me yet to have that answer.  You want to bury your head in the sand of implausibilities that a person with bipolar disorder or any disability of the mind can be so wise and intelligent to offer this solution. You want to disenfranchise my opportunities in our society.  IT IS WRONG to allow you to do this against me.  It is offensive and an insult to my intelligence and is why I am so upset with you all or anyone who is not showing their character wisdom wise outward toward me but prevaricating the truth hiding away in shadows of vagueness or silence extremes.

I want and demand change.  I have a YouTube video presentation that I do believe is complete.  If you do not accept that I am the man of peace building mission work that you must allow to hit your heart of intelligence brain to follow then we have no other reason to exchange in our lives.

I have my right to chastise you and to reprimand you for your insolence for you too allowing the haters to win. . 

For I am that one man who needs to take the reigns away from irrational thinking ideas and bring forward better working models everywhere.  If you do not have interest in my work, you cannot be a part of any interface on my life.  AND that I will be firm, sound, strong, and defiant that if you attempt to alter my course path choice for some altered vision of your reality is better than my future vision of change.  You would be wrong to delay your involvements here too.  I am now living homeless of independence in my family childhood home that I grew up in since age 5 because of an #ConspiracyExposed, which I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is them and not me as being the problem and not the solution. 

I have presentation documents to be delivered to you in the next course work weeks that will be delivered with transmittal business record of receipt and processing on your side of these responsibilities to our world that you must follow and enable my rights per the United Nations convention on the rights for persons with disabilities as my most closest reach of a governmental authority of "the state" representing common decency.

Each one of you requires to answer these two questions when you encounter this content.

Are you with them therefore against me? 


Are you with me and therefore against them?  Therefore they deserve reprimands for what they have done to me.  Who are they?  Let's say, it first starts with Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project but we have a closer interface at Foothill Aids Project that needs to be reset to proper balanced relations that should be considered a strike the fire confrontation of decency.   Everyone has allowed the haters to win and it is wrong to maintain this silence.  I guarantee that history is on my side of the future world of what will be our way of peace living society life.  Join with me and find resolution for these as soon as possible remedy for these undeserving and unnecessary conflicts that happened.  Your delay is standing in my way.

------[ Youtube Video Playlist Presentation ]-----------

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

Presenting the foundation of ideals to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way-forward ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.christinebedenis.co/2017/Fadinkra-symbols-ghana ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.


Peace and wellness to you all at Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino California,


James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405

I am seeking true friends in this world and a place to live where true friends are found among society freely and not a hate collective caddy group in view and control and reigns of hate that is directing or pulling the puppet strings of illusions, deceptions, lies, and abusive relationships unjustified called into interference of my free flowing honest living cheat free and stealing free life..

All you have to do is read the Glassdoor employee reviews posted after my departure demise because no one would confront this hate collective leadership.  No one had the balls to stand up and show some way out of their hateful mess.   But after I am gone, I deserve to be placed back upright as quickly and justly as possible, no further delays are tolerated.


Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better


Helpful (2)

Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.

They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hours prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?

If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.

Turnover is high!
Show Less

Advice to Management

Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?


Helpful (1)

Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

Advice to Management

Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

End of Glassdoor Reviews. I am sure there will be more future employee review posts showing this negative light on their organization.

I arrived back in town San Bernardino the week of July 17th.  No previous Glassdoor employee reviews appear on the site before I had to leave town Denver  I tried to get the involvement of their Executive Director as I sit there living in my car.  I REFUSED TO LIVE IN MY CAR FOR DAYS AND WEEKS WAITING FOR CHANGE.

This I posted to Facebook:

Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.

Definition of Caddy from Urbandictionary --- there is no option but to reprimand this hate collective to stop this publicly and as widely known so that others get the message to stop this shit now or else for I see it on Glassdoor as systemic and problematic nationally and it needs to be fixed A S A P or #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP is the meme key I have assigned to it.


When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008

I am done and through being a victim of all you haters!  Go fucking away and leave this country.  Or I leave first and change my United States Citizenry to a country that is much less corrupt.  For Transparency International's latest report scores the United States on a scale from 0 to 100 as being 18.  0 being the worse corruption.  You all go to fucked up human hell where you deserve to burn for allowing the haters to win time after time after time.  The #MeToo / #TimesUp campaigns on the sexual harassment and abuse of mainly women by men in the workplace are showing similar tracks of pathology of reasoning why things must be altered off the tracks of the status quo.  They are directly relevant to the same cause of not able to have a voice and being silenced for now over 10 years in my plight.   I am homeless because of hate not because of my behavior problems.   But you are too way too quick to judge it the other way around.  For you are one of them I bet.  No, you don't get the assumption of goodness when the corruption score is so bad against your favor.

When will you all get it real?

@Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
@Realuphuman 2018 : Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History.

Doctor Mirza, your Hippocratic Oath is being challenged.   DO NO HARM!  But I bet you won't meet my challenge to come clean and be honest for a change.  Will you?


The QR Scan Code in this image Plays the YouTube Video :

The Very Real Possibility That You Could Live Forever


Published on Mar 23, 2015
Will the rise of artificial intelligence lead to us becoming immortal - or lead to our extinction? Turns out it's either one or the other. Much of the information for this video comes from this excellent article on Wait, But Why. it's a 2-part article that will take about an hour to read and I tried to distill it down to a few minutes (and failed). It's a fascinating topic and well worth the read: http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artific... Computer technology is growing at an exponential rate - actually it has been growing exponentially for decades, but the thing about exponential growth is that the further it goes along, the bigger the leaps become. And we are on the cusp of some incredible leaps in technology. Artificial Intelligence has captured our imaginations for years, but now that we are approaching the very real possibility of super-intelligent computers, people are starting to take notice, and the predictions span from boundless utopia to the end of the world. With very little in between. Thinkers and scientists from Ray Kurzweil to Nick Bostrom to Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are issuing stern warnings as well as optimism about what the future holds in a world where humans are not the smartest creatures on the planet anymore. But there's still a long way to go. IBM's Watson was able to beat the biggest Jeopardy winner of all time, but it was still simply processing data, and not thinking in a creative sense. Still, those computers are right around the corner, and what happens when they reach the ability to think on our level and improve themselves will dictate the future - or end - of humanity. This is not small stuff, it's HUGELY important.


I am very much real and calling you all out on bullshit!

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 11:43 AM
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov

This QR Scan Code resolves to individually coded direct name binding of Doctor Mirza,


the most intelligent of roles as a physician under a Hippocratic Oath and as that role must accept this most responsible position in this matter as DO NO HARM.  It is harmful to ignore this email content and not respond.

Doctor Mirza is the most responsible under an oath, but so does defense attorney Jonathan Jackson have an obligation responsibly role here placed since he represents as an officer of court authority the truth to represent me in most dire needs of continued case considerations.  This is why I have continued to place him into correspondences in these regards.  They are highly important matters of society.  He has not yet complained against my emails or replied either since the closing of my criminal manner --- but I know he is listening intently.  Everyone sits there quiet and reserved when it is insolence to do so.

I expect a reply to the questions posed in this email from everyone who receives this email content including the general inbox of the Department of Behavioral Health MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov for action and if need be due process justification when the content is is subject to being moved online to @fuckeduphuman.net cause of inaction on your side of this cause and concern of intractable conflict that needs to be disturbed and changed. 

Are you with them therefore against me?  You deserve your place marking at


[ valid naming link, content returns error 404 at this time ]


Are you with me and therefore against them?

You would be @gruwup and a great reason for us to unite peace.  The model platform of logic applies.  You are one or the other.  Unification of ideals and following words of  Pope Francis call to our nation in front of Congress in Sept of 2015 is the only choice that we must hold for absolute moral wisdom wise moral choices.  Silence here in these matters is not a virtue.  Silence here is a sin of immorality.   I am not your average patient or client.  I am better than most of you all in many ways of clear minded thinking.

I do not accept anything less than of excellence.  I deserve an apology of misguidance and attitude received in therapy sessions from Stephen John Graves.  He has insulted my intelligence 3 separate times in session.  There is no conflict in a therapist to client relationship that can go unresolved.  The notion of acceptance of contention to his allowance to not accept change is further findings that I am justified by my attitude of shaking at the end of the last session.  When will you all get it?  I do not accept anything less than of excellence.

@Gruwup 2018, Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

[Quoted text hidden]

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 11:49 AM
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov
This is a valid shortened URL that returns content that is the truth.

Don't cross me in a disguise of niceness hypocrite. 

You will not like the strangest void I have for you.

The shit that will be stuck to your face like epoxy glue that you will never never be able
to clean and wipe away forever.  That is what I have as a warning for you.

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 1:32 PM
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov
Without conformation of your twitterID, I have placed this used the graphic from Humanetech.com/problem
page to repeat how important these matters are and why the @FBI is involved in the discussion of
matters.  You must reply and answer the questions posed to you.  If your twitterID is

●•»Sadiq«•● ⓜⓘⓡⓩⓐ


its been tagged on twitter under someone holding your name.  It does not look like you.... but I
don't care that it is misstated considering the gravity of these issues.

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 11:49 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
This is a valid shortened URL that returns content that is the truth.

Don't cross me in a disguise of niceness hypocrite. 

You will not like the strangest void I have for you.

The shit that will be stuck to your face like epoxy glue that you will never never be able
to clean and wipe away forever.  That is what I have as a warning for you.

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

This QR Scan Code resolves to individually coded direct name binding of Doctor Mirza,


the most intelligent of roles as a physician under a Hippocratic Oath and as that role must accept this most responsible position in this matter as DO NO HARM.  It is harmful to ignore this email content and not respond.

Doctor Mirza is the most responsible under an oath, but so does defense attorney Jonathan Jackson have an obligation responsibly role here placed since he represents as an officer of court authority the truth to represent me in most dire needs of continued case considerations.  This is why I have continued to place him into correspondences in these regards.  They are highly important matters of society.  He has not yet complained against my emails or replied either since the closing of my criminal manner --- but I know he is listening intently.  Everyone sits there quiet and reserved when it is insolence to do so.

I expect a reply to the questions posed in this email from everyone who receives this email content including the general inbox of the Department of Behavioral Health MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov for action and if need be due process justification when the content is is subject to being moved online to @fuckeduphuman.net cause of inaction on your side of this cause and concern of intractable conflict that needs to be disturbed and changed. 

Are you with them therefore against me?  You deserve your place marking at


[ valid naming link, content returns error 404 at this time ]


Are you with me and therefore against them?

You would be @gruwup and a great reason for us to unite peace.  The model platform of logic applies.  You are one or the other.  Unification of ideals and following words of  Pope Francis call to our nation in front of Congress in Sept of 2015 is the only choice that we must hold for absolute moral wisdom wise moral choices.  Silence here in these matters is not a virtue.  Silence here is a sin of immorality.   I am not your average patient or client.  I am better than most of you all in many ways of clear minded thinking.

I do not accept anything less than of excellence.  I deserve an apology of misguidance and attitude received in therapy sessions from Stephen John Graves.  He has insulted my intelligence 3 separate times in session.  There is no conflict in a therapist to client relationship that can go unresolved.  The notion of acceptance of contention to his allowance to not accept change is further findings that I am justified by my attitude of shaking at the end of the last session.  When will you all get it?  I do not accept anything less than of excellence.

@Gruwup 2018, Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 8:17 AM
Subject: YouTube Presentation : Why Do I not fit into a box or mold :: Your option not mine --- to change your bullshit!
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov


My entire personal care mental health wellness team at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health along with public defender attorney Jonathan Arellano Jackson representing #Kramobone-The.Good here.

This email will have spoken voice narrative of the contents fully along with public scan-able QR URL Sharing Codes for public awareness of these issues.  This will be web archived to the following folder URLs.  Each of these URLS points to the same folder but contains direct name binding content presence and cannot be ignored.

I am a Virgo born here in San Bernardino and this was my horoscope page the other day that I captured for use.
I don't use horoscopes often, but in this case, it applies.
The screen snapshot of horoscope site information page reads with a slight added comment here::

All About Virgo : August 23 - September 22

The analytical mind of a Virgo is never satisfied.  Ruled by information seeking Mercury, you intelligent individuals live to soak up knowledge.  Expecting nothing but the best from yourself and those around you, service-oriented Virgo is always happy to help others achieve certain standards.  Luckily, while your mind is always reeling with the next critique, your fast and witty sense of humor [ which I have lost due to #ConspiracyExposed ] supports your light-hearted side -- and keeps you on the good side of others.


I do not accept the conditions of the status quo against my life choices.  I do not accept irrational thinking paradigms that does not enable my rights as a person with disabilities per the United Nations mandates on our society responsibility and duty toward each other.  These rights that would enable me to become a full and equal contributing member of society to the full accepted practice of sharing wisdom and truth.   I do not except asinine excuses to detach our world realities for selfish sides of disinterested motives or worse yet to cover up or become internal of problems you may find as a conflict of interest to not engage me because of your side of corruption histories that you do not wish to rock the boat as they call it.   It is time to stand up and rock the boat together and tip the boat over and go for a little or big swim as we may need. You will find the use of Madonna's Track Song Swim in a media presentation on Soundcloud in the name of my former case manager at the Colorado Health Network.  The title on Soundcloud is::


Madonna lyrics from Swim off the album Ray of Light

Verse 1]
Put your head on my shoulder baby
Things can't get any worse
Night is getting colder
Sometimes life feels like it's a curse

I can't carry these sins on my back
Don't wanna carry any more
I'm gonna carry this train off the track
I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

[Verse 2]
Children killing children while the
Students rape their teachers
Comets fly across the sky
While the churches burn their preachers

We can't carry these sins on our back
Don't wanna carry any more
We're gonna carry this train off the track
We're gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

Let the water wash over you
Wash it all over you
Swim to the ocean floor
So that we can begin again
Wash away all our sins
Crash to the other shore


I can't carry these sins on my back
Don't wanna carry any more
I'm gonna carry this train off the track
I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

My mission work has now a reaching out platform of commons that I have found to engage in attempting to bring my mission work forward.  This organizations common ideal focus only debuts last month February 4th.

Why does your field of work should be incorporated as unified into mine is obvious by the graphic that is displayed on this page:  It relates to the brain and behavioral sciences of addiction.
Showing a screen snapshot of the top of the problem page from HumaneTech.com --- shows the title banner

Our society is being hijacked by technology.   A picture of a human brain with numbered references to different location areas within our brain. Under the picture of a human brain is the text

What we feel as addiction is a part of something much bigger.
There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of our society.

This site appears online less than 60 days ago.

So, they are at the ground floor of change. I have been in this mission work for over ten years with the registration of my domain set which was started June of 2006.  I started it first.  But you don't trust me yet to have that answer.  You want to bury your head in the sand of implausibilities that a person with bipolar disorder or any disability of the mind can be so wise and intelligent to offer this solution. You want to disenfranchise my opportunities in our society.  IT IS WRONG to allow you to do this against me.  It is offensive and an insult to my intelligence and is why I am so upset with you all or anyone who is not showing their character wisdom wise outward toward me but prevaricating the truth hiding away in shadows of vagueness or silence extremes.

I want and demand change.  I have a YouTube video presentation that I do believe is complete.  If you do not accept that I am the man of peace building mission work that you must allow to hit your heart of intelligence brain to follow then we have no other reason to exchange in our lives.

I have my right to chastise you and to reprimand you for your insolence for you too allowing the haters to win. . 

For I am that one man who needs to take the reigns away from irrational thinking ideas and bring forward better working models everywhere.  If you do not have interest in my work, you cannot be a part of any interface on my life.  AND that I will be firm, sound, strong, and defiant that if you attempt to alter my course path choice for some altered vision of your reality is better than my future vision of change.  You would be wrong to delay your involvements here too.  I am now living homeless of independence in my family childhood home that I grew up in since age 5 because of an #ConspiracyExposed, which I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is them and not me as being the problem and not the solution. 

I have presentation documents to be delivered to you in the next course work weeks that will be delivered with transmittal business record of receipt and processing on your side of these responsibilities to our world that you must follow and enable my rights per the United Nations convention on the rights for persons with disabilities as my most closest reach of a governmental authority of "the state" representing common decency.

Each one of you requires to answer these two questions when you encounter this content.

Are you with them therefore against me? 


Are you with me and therefore against them?  Therefore they deserve reprimands for what they have done to me.  Who are they?  Let's say, it first starts with Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project but we have a closer interface at Foothill Aids Project that needs to be reset to proper balanced relations that should be considered a strike the fire confrontation of decency.   Everyone has allowed the haters to win and it is wrong to maintain this silence.  I guarantee that history is on my side of the future world of what will be our way of peace living society life.  Join with me and find resolution for these as soon as possible remedy for these undeserving and unnecessary conflicts that happened.  Your delay is standing in my way.

------[ Youtube Video Playlist Presentation ]-----------

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

Presenting the foundation of ideals to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way-forward ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.christinebedenis.co/2017/Fadinkra-symbols-ghana ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.


Peace and wellness to you all at Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino California,


James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405

I am seeking true friends in this world and a place to live where true friends are found among society freely and not a hate collective caddy group in view and control and reigns of hate that is directing or pulling the puppet strings of illusions, deceptions, lies, and abusive relationships unjustified called into interference of my free flowing honest living cheat free and stealing free life..

All you have to do is read the Glassdoor employee reviews posted after my departure demise because no one would confront this hate collective leadership.  No one had the balls to stand up and show some way out of their hateful mess.   But after I am gone, I deserve to be placed back upright as quickly and justly as possible, no further delays are tolerated.


Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better


Helpful (2)

Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.

They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hours prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?

If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.

Turnover is high!
Show Less

Advice to Management

Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?


Helpful (1)

Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

Advice to Management

Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

End of Glassdoor Reviews. I am sure there will be more future employee review posts showing this negative light on their organization.

I arrived back in town San Bernardino the week of July 17th.  No previous Glassdoor employee reviews appear on the site before I had to leave town Denver  I tried to get the involvement of their Executive Director as I sit there living in my car.  I REFUSED TO LIVE IN MY CAR FOR DAYS AND WEEKS WAITING FOR CHANGE.

This I posted to Facebook:

Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.

Definition of Caddy from Urbandictionary --- there is no option but to reprimand this hate collective to stop this publicly and as widely known so that others get the message to stop this shit now or else for I see it on Glassdoor as systemic and problematic nationally and it needs to be fixed A S A P or #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP is the meme key I have assigned to it.


When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008

I am done and through being a victim of all you haters!  Go fucking away and leave this country.  Or I leave first and change my United States Citizenry to a country that is much less corrupt.  For Transparency International's latest report scores the United States on a scale from 0 to 100 as being 18.  0 being the worse corruption.  You all go to fucked up human hell where you deserve to burn for allowing the haters to win time after time after time.  The #MeToo / #TimesUp campaigns on the sexual harassment and abuse of mainly women by men in the workplace are showing similar tracks of pathology of reasoning why things must be altered off the tracks of the status quo.  They are directly relevant to the same cause of not able to have a voice and being silenced for now over 10 years in my plight.   I am homeless because of hate not because of my behavior problems.   But you are too way too quick to judge it the other way around.  For you are one of them I bet.  No, you don't get the assumption of goodness when the corruption score is so bad against your favor.

When will you all get it real?

@Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
@Realuphuman 2018 : Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History.

Doctor Mirza, your Hippocratic Oath is being challenged.   DO NO HARM!  But I bet you won't meet my challenge to come clean and be honest for a change.  Will you?


The QR Scan Code in this image Plays the YouTube Video :

The Very Real Possibility That You Could Live Forever


Published on Mar 23, 2015
Will the rise of artificial intelligence lead to us becoming immortal - or lead to our extinction? Turns out it's either one or the other. Much of the information for this video comes from this excellent article on Wait, But Why. it's a 2-part article that will take about an hour to read and I tried to distill it down to a few minutes (and failed). It's a fascinating topic and well worth the read: http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artific... Computer technology is growing at an exponential rate - actually it has been growing exponentially for decades, but the thing about exponential growth is that the further it goes along, the bigger the leaps become. And we are on the cusp of some incredible leaps in technology. Artificial Intelligence has captured our imaginations for years, but now that we are approaching the very real possibility of super-intelligent computers, people are starting to take notice, and the predictions span from boundless utopia to the end of the world. With very little in between. Thinkers and scientists from Ray Kurzweil to Nick Bostrom to Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are issuing stern warnings as well as optimism about what the future holds in a world where humans are not the smartest creatures on the planet anymore. But there's still a long way to go. IBM's Watson was able to beat the biggest Jeopardy winner of all time, but it was still simply processing data, and not thinking in a creative sense. Still, those computers are right around the corner, and what happens when they reach the ability to think on our level and improve themselves will dictate the future - or end - of humanity. This is not small stuff, it's HUGELY important.


I am very much real and calling you all out on bullshit!

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 3:58 PM
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Joseph Hutson <joseph.hutson@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face? <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, Nathan Norman <GodsSweetNectar@gmail.com>, "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu

This addendum section of this email subject will not be text placed to the web due to the names on this list.  However, the spoken voice text narrative of this portion
will be available and noted on the web archive link for public record for the dishonored coursework you have chosen to conduct against the community.  There are some very strong statements made here that are deserving to be made  And you all know it.

Audio Narrative Filename: gmail - BINDED-CONTENT4-Sink-Or-Swim-Addendum : 7 Mins 34 Secs and sums up the circumstances involving this email.

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school and listed at #Kramobone-The.Good and the conflicted mess at Colorado Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares as well as now to my need of detaching services for breech of trust and confidence at Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino, the interfaces of disgrace and embarrassment from Denver Colorado if they are listening.

 I mean it and I mean it well expertly well --- I mean it nicely.... this #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP

This QR Graphic resolves to this direct name binding link :


It would be wise of you all to link to this --- read my address written to my psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I was age 5.  I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver Colorado due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me direct source puppeteer in charge of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional director second director tier in charge of their organization.  You all know you are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record documented at : http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/ 

David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this #conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of members.  It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge.  This problem is among many of the gay social dating site apps, the conspiracy involved to be haters elite in gossip of crimes of privacy violations is why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses to community.

Don't tell me that is not true.  You fall on your sword of stupidity for I have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding muck creation ---

  IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to the community ---- I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too.  I have tried to involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I was there to no avail.   You have paid
them off to keep it hush hush --- and you burn in hell for your deeds of destructive forces against community if you do not turn 180 degrees this time --- and admit your defeat and admit my qualification back into the Denver Community and reimburse me for expenses occurring as we speak of these matter afar, we should have spoken of these matters close when this project online is now launched HumaneTech.com --- they will see my work --- and find me intriguing and fascinating to the letter -- I qualify for this repair of my psyche at your expense of expelling hate toward me for at least 11 months unending, unchallengeable, and fucked up human of you all. 

Cinamon Romero, the spice that does not make nice is at fault at Rocky Mountain Cares for allowing the false record into discussion meeting with Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments and Pillar Properties. Ultimately Ms Shannon Southall tip her hand at knowing that I was pressing the issue on Facebook and attempt to threaten me with an issued statement about contacting their attorney for attempting resolve in these matters.  She used the social breaking tools of Facebook mentioned by HumaneTech called blocking against the truth.  Why did you find it necessary to block me is beyond me.  I remain blocked in that status and that should be reversed.   You know I am telling no lies here.   So the hate continued unaddressed from my ability to stop it outright.  You both are responsible for allowing hate to win the heart of your soul not  represent my client side of affairs.  You most likely are in collusion with Colorado Health Network, not independent of them.  You just reacted quicker to the merger and refocus change of care and case management to client centered approaches that I can't verify are actual place not theoretically public relations posturing.  You are not off the hook.

 You all are disgusting to even hold yourself qualified to represent a community at vulnerability of life wellness over death jeopardy.  You are the worst of the worst if you go unpunished and with impunity forward from this day.


The number of people that I have contacted over the 10 years of dealing with uncontrollable hate is massive --- they are many more I could add to this outgoing email list - coded by hand.  You all know who you are on the good side or bad side of this cremation of community destruction, annihilation I say that you have hurled the shit way way too much this time against me for me to not find the source.  I caught it, you #FuckedUpHumanGeyserAssholes --- and you all fucking know it.  That is the meme key coded into my personal private mail if the record did not make it out to the public documentation record. There is much more here than you want to realize, I have it all encapsulated by this tag in record.  I hold the truth record and you know it.   Even on adam4adam messaging, it passed through their site's messaging system if they have a log of that detail.... it has been recorded for all time record since at the time it was http:// not https:// --- a classification not surface web, not dark web, not deep web, but violation secret web that I know many have exploited for years.  i started using the hashtag after I learned about Darpa's Deep Dark Web Search Engine called memex because I know it was monitoring and recording the record.  I can legally serve with standing a information request from them for the data record.  It has been archived to their data holding..

The tools you have used to conduct your system of hate destruction against me and others in the hiv community need to change as well.  You just have exploited them more than normal factors against me ---  that HumaneTech.com has now set themselves into the challenge marching up to bring the issue forward.  We are in alignment of common values.

I am not addicted to technology like the community is.  But I was engaged at trying educational platforms of change --- that you all have destroyed --- I deserve 5 million dollars of repair for the fact I know this case is worth that much if I brought a lawsuit up against you for discrimination.  I have the data record in tow.  Oh boy do I know.  I hope your family has caught wind of your involvement in this conspiracy --- and disown you too.


James Martin Driskill
owner : @realuphuman.net
and really,, I own it dear for a reason so clear



My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 3:59 PM
To: inthemindway@gmail.com
Error Icon

Recipient inbox full

Your message couldn't be delivered to sodivine7546360@gmail.com. Their inbox is full, or it's getting too much mail right now.
The response was:

The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm v11sor3051204itf.116 - gsmtp

Final-Recipient: rfc822; sodivine7546360@gmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm v11sor3051204itf.116 - gsmtp
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 15:59:02 -0700 (PDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Martin J. Driskill" <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Joseph Hutson <joseph.hutson@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, "Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo" <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, "Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face?" <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, Nathan Norman <GodsSweetNectar@gmail.com>, "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 15:58:57 -0700
Subject: Re: YouTube Presentation : Why Do I not fit into a box or mold :: Your option not mine --- to change your bullshit!
This addendum section of this email subject will not be text placed to the
web due to the names on this list.  However, the spoken voice text
narrative of this portion
will be available and noted on the web archive link for public record for
the dishonored coursework you have chosen to conduct against the
community.  There are some very strong statements made here that are
deserving to be made  And you all know it.

Audio Narrative Filename: gmail - BINDED-CONTENT4-Sink-Or-Swim-Addendum
: 7 Mins 34 Secs and sums up the circumstances involving this email.

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including
the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school
<http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/BasicHumanNeeds/> and listed at
#Kramobone-The.Good <http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/> and the
conflicted mess at Colorado Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares as well
as now to my need of detaching services for breech of trust and confidence
at Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino, the interfaces of
disgrace and embarrassment from Denver Colorado if they are listening.

 I mean it and I mean it well expertly well --- I mean it nicely.... this

This QR Graphic resolves to this direct name binding link :


It would be wise of you all to link to this --- read my address written to
my psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center
at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my
hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I
was age 5.  I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver
Colorado due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me direct
source puppeteer in charge of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional
director second director tier in charge of their organization.  You all
know you are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record
documented at : http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/

David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this
#conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured
harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the
members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of
hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their
site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of
members.  It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This
problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge.  This
problem is among many of the gay social dating site apps, the conspiracy
involved to be haters elite in gossip of crimes of privacy violations is
why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses to community.

Don't tell me that is not true.  You fall on your sword of stupidity for I
have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding
muck creation ---

  IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to
the community ---- I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too.  I have tried to
involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I
was there to no avail.   You have paid
them off to keep it hush hush --- and you burn in hell for your deeds of
destructive forces against community if you do not turn 180 degrees this
time --- and admit your defeat and admit my qualification back into the
Denver Community and
----- Message truncated -----

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 3:59 PM
To: inthemindway@gmail.com
Error Icon

Recipient inbox full

Your message couldn't be delivered to 1manswords@gmail.com. Their inbox is full, or it's getting too much mail right now.
The response was:

The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm v11sor3051204itf.116 - gsmtp

Final-Recipient: rfc822; 1manswords@gmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm v11sor3051204itf.116 - gsmtp
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 15:59:02 -0700 (PDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Martin J. Driskill" <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Joseph Hutson <joseph.hutson@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, "Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo" <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, "Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face?" <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, Nathan Norman <GodsSweetNectar@gmail.com>, "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 15:58:57 -0700
Subject: Re: YouTube Presentation : Why Do I not fit into a box or mold :: Your option not mine --- to change your bullshit!
This addendum section of this email subject will not be text placed to the
web due to the names on this list.  However, the spoken voice text
narrative of this portion
will be available and noted on the web archive link for public record for
the dishonored coursework you have chosen to conduct against the
community.  There are some very strong statements made here that are
deserving to be made  And you all know it.

Audio Narrative Filename: gmail - BINDED-CONTENT4-Sink-Or-Swim-Addendum
: 7 Mins 34 Secs and sums up the circumstances involving this email.

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including
the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school
<http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/BasicHumanNeeds/> and listed at
#Kramobone-The.Good <http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/> and the
conflicted mess at Colorado Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares as well
as now to my need of detaching services for breech of trust and confidence
at Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino, the interfaces of
disgrace and embarrassment from Denver Colorado if they are listening.

 I mean it and I mean it well expertly well --- I mean it nicely.... this

This QR Graphic resolves to this direct name binding link :


It would be wise of you all to link to this --- read my address written to
my psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center
at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my
hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I
was age 5.  I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver
Colorado due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me direct
source puppeteer in charge of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional
director second director tier in charge of their organization.  You all
know you are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record
documented at : http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/

David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this
#conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured
harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the
members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of
hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their
site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of
members.  It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This
problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge.  This
problem is among many of the gay social dating site apps, the conspiracy
involved to be haters elite in gossip of crimes of privacy violations is
why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses to community.

Don't tell me that is not true.  You fall on your sword of stupidity for I
have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding
muck creation ---

  IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to
the community ---- I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too.  I have tried to
involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I
was there to no avail.   You have paid
them off to keep it hush hush --- and you burn in hell for your deeds of
destructive forces against community if you do not turn 180 degrees this
time --- and admit your defeat and admit my qualification back into the
Denver Community and
----- Message truncated -----

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:19 PM
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Joseph Hutson <joseph.hutson@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face? <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, Nathan Norman <GodsSweetNectar@gmail.com>, "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu
The text of this -- it hard to write -- due to the psychology of trauma involved in this hate and harassment unresolved that it will never have and end game is rather seriously showing in my writing when I start to attempt this story --- with the details that I know is documented on the web and coded in my email. .  But I have reordered the statement text issued in addendum  --- it is better read -- anyway. I should not have to focus so much on this hate corrective action.  I should actually acquire the necessary mental health wellness healing that should be amended to the justice of these matters.

Go Fix Some Weighty Truth

---------------------[ I don't care how many time I say this story, it is a story of truth weather you can understand my writing at first glance.  This reads understandable. ]------------------------

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school and listed at #Kramobone-The.Good. To the conflicted muck contacts at Colorado Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares. Also to now muck contact at Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino my current need detaching services for breech of trust and confidence in these interfaces of disgrace. An embarrassment from Denver to here if they are listening.

I mean it and I mean it well expertly well I mean it nicely.... this #Conspiracy Exposed Terminates A S A P

This QR Graphic resolves to this person named binding link :

http://doctor-sadiq-mirza.webdomains.realuphuman.net/sbcounty.gov/Gmail - Why Do I not fit into a box or mold.html

It would be wise of you all to link to this. Read my address written to my psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I was age 5. I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver Colorado due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me. The direct source puppeteer of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional director second director tier in charge of their organization. You all know you are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record documented at :


David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this #conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of members. It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge. This problem of massive privacy violation is among many of the gay social dating site apps. A conspiracy involving tools of haters elite in gossip crimes of privacy violations is why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses to community.

Don't tell me that is not true. You fall on your sword of stupidity for I have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding muck creation.

IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to the community. I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too. I have tried to involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I was there to no avail. You have paid them off to keep it hush hush. You burn in hell for your deeds of destructive forces against community if you do not turn 180 degrees this time and admit your defeat and admit my qualification back into the Denver Community and reimburse me for expenses occurring as we speak of these matter afar, we should have spoken of these matters close when this project online is now launched HumaneTech.com. They will see my work and find me intriguing and fascinating to the letter. I qualify for this repair of my psyche at your expense of expelling hate toward me for at least 11 months unending, unchallengeable, and fucked up human of you all.

Cinamon Romero, the spice that does not make nice is at fault at Rocky Mountain Cares for allowing the false record into discussion meeting with Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments and Pillar Properties. Ultimately Ms Shannon Southall tip her hand at knowing that I was pressing the issue on Facebook and attempt to threaten me with an issued statement about contacting their attorney for attempting resolve in these matters. She used the social breaking tools of Facebook mentioned by HumaneTech called blocking against the truth. Why did you find it necessary to block me is beyond me. I remain blocked in that status and that should be reversed. You know I am telling no lies here. So the hate continued unaddressed from my ability to stop it outright. You both are responsible for allowing hate to win the heart of your soul not represent my client side of affairs. You most likely are in collusion with Colorado Health Network, not independent of them. You just reacted quicker to the merger and refocus change of care and case management to client centered approaches that I can't verify are actual place not theoretically public relations posturing. You are not off the hook.

You all are disgusting to even hold yourself qualified to represent a community at vulnerability of life wellness over death jeopardy. You are the worst of the worst if you go unpunished and with impunity forward from this day.


The number of people that I have contacted over the 10 years of dealing with uncontrollable hate is massive. They are many more I could add to this outgoing email list - coded by hand. You all know who you are on the good side or bad side of this cremation of community destruction, annihilation I say that you have hurled the shit way way too much this time against me for me to not find the source. I caught it, you #FuckedUpHumanGeyserAssholes --- and you all fucking know it. That is the meme key coded into my personal private mail if the record did not make it out to the public documentation record. There is much more here than you want to realize, I have it all encapsulated by this tag in record. I hold the truth record and you know it. Even on adam4adam messaging, it passed through their site's messaging system if they have a log of that detail. it has been recorded for all time record since at the time it was http:// not https:// a classification not surface web, not dark web, not deep web, but privacy open to violation secret web that I know many have exploited for years. i started using the hashtag after I learned about Darpa's Deep Dark Web Search Engine called memex because I know it was monitoring and recording the record. I can legally serve with standing a information request from them for the data record. It has been archived to their data holding.

The tools you have used to conduct your system of hate destruction against me and others in the hiv community need to change as well. You just have exploited them more than normal factors against me that HumaneTech.com has now set themselves into the challenge marching up to bring the issue forward. They and I are in alignment of common values.

I am not addicted to technology like the community is. But I was engaged at trying educational platforms of change that you all have destroyed. I deserve 5 million dollars of repair for the fact I know this case is worth that much if I brought a lawsuit up against you for discrimination. I have the data record in tow. Oh boy do I know. I hope your family has caught wind of your involvement in this conspiracy and disown you too.


James Martin Driskill

owner : @realuphuman.net


and really,, I own it dear for a reason so clear


My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

This addendum section of this email subject will not be text placed to the web due to the names on this list.  However, the spoken voice text narrative of this portion
will be available and noted on the web archive link for public record for the dishonored coursework you have chosen to conduct against the community.  There are some very strong statements made here that are deserving to be made  And you all know it.

Audio Narrative Filename: gmail - BINDED-CONTENT4-Sink-Or-Swim-Addendum : 7 Mins 34 Secs and sums up the circumstances involving this email.

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school and listed at #Kramobone-The.Good and the conflicted mess at Colorado Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares as well as now to my need of detaching services for breech of trust and confidence at Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino, the interfaces of disgrace and embarrassment from Denver Colorado if they are listening.

 I mean it and I mean it well expertly well --- I mean it nicely.... this #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP

This QR Graphic resolves to this direct name binding link :


It would be wise of you all to link to this --- read my address written to my psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I was age 5.  I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver Colorado due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me direct source puppeteer in charge of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional director second director tier in charge of their organization.  You all know you are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record documented at : http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/ 

David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this #conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of members.  It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge.  This problem is among many of the gay social dating site apps, the conspiracy involved to be haters elite in gossip of crimes of privacy violations is why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses to community.

Don't tell me that is not true.  You fall on your sword of stupidity for I have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding muck creation ---

  IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to the community ---- I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too.  I have tried to involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I was there to no avail.   You have paid
them off to keep it hush hush --- and you burn in hell for your deeds of destructive forces against community if you do not turn 180 degrees this time --- and admit your defeat and admit my qualification back into the Denver Community and reimburse me for expenses occurring as we speak of these matter afar, we should have spoken of these matters close when this project online is now launched HumaneTech.com --- they will see my work --- and find me intriguing and fascinating to the letter -- I qualify for this repair of my psyche at your expense of expelling hate toward me for at least 11 months unending, unchallengeable, and fucked up human of you all. 

Cinamon Romero, the spice that does not make nice is at fault at Rocky Mountain Cares for allowing the false record into discussion meeting with Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments and Pillar Properties. Ultimately Ms Shannon Southall tip her hand at knowing that I was pressing the issue on Facebook and attempt to threaten me with an issued statement about contacting their attorney for attempting resolve in these matters.  She used the social breaking tools of Facebook mentioned by HumaneTech called blocking against the truth.  Why did you find it necessary to block me is beyond me.  I remain blocked in that status and that should be reversed.   You know I am telling no lies here.   So the hate continued unaddressed from my ability to stop it outright.  You both are responsible for allowing hate to win the heart of your soul not  represent my client side of affairs.  You most likely are in collusion with Colorado Health Network, not independent of them.  You just reacted quicker to the merger and refocus change of care and case management to client centered approaches that I can't verify are actual place not theoretically public relations posturing.  You are not off the hook.

 You all are disgusting to even hold yourself qualified to represent a community at vulnerability of life wellness over death jeopardy.  You are the worst of the worst if you go unpunished and with impunity forward from this day.


The number of people that I have contacted over the 10 years of dealing with uncontrollable hate is massive --- they are many more I could add to this outgoing email list - coded by hand.  You all know who you are on the good side or bad side of this cremation of community destruction, annihilation I say that you have hurled the shit way way too much this time against me for me to not find the source.  I caught it, you #FuckedUpHumanGeyserAssholes --- and you all fucking know it.  That is the meme key coded into my personal private mail if the record did not make it out to the public documentation record. There is much more here than you want to realize, I have it all encapsulated by this tag in record.  I hold the truth record and you know it.   Even on adam4adam messaging, it passed through their site's messaging system if they have a log of that detail.... it has been recorded for all time record since at the time it was http:// not https:// --- a classification not surface web, not dark web, not deep web, but violation secret web that I know many have exploited for years.  i started using the hashtag after I learned about Darpa's Deep Dark Web Search Engine called memex because I know it was monitoring and recording the record.  I can legally serve with standing a information request from them for the data record.  It has been archived to their data holding..

The tools you have used to conduct your system of hate destruction against me and others in the hiv community need to change as well.  You just have exploited them more than normal factors against me ---  that HumaneTech.com has now set themselves into the challenge marching up to bring the issue forward.  We are in alignment of common values.

I am not addicted to technology like the community is.  But I was engaged at trying educational platforms of change --- that you all have destroyed --- I deserve 5 million dollars of repair for the fact I know this case is worth that much if I brought a lawsuit up against you for discrimination.  I have the data record in tow.  Oh boy do I know.  I hope your family has caught wind of your involvement in this conspiracy --- and disown you too.


James Martin Driskill
owner : @realuphuman.net
and really,, I own it dear for a reason so clear



My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 8:17 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:


My entire personal care mental health wellness team at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health along with public defender attorney Jonathan Arellano Jackson representing #Kramobone-The.Good here.

This email will have spoken voice narrative of the contents fully along with public scan-able QR URL Sharing Codes for public awareness of these issues.  This will be web archived to the following folder URLs.  Each of these URLS points to the same folder but contains direct name binding content presence and cannot be ignored.

I am a Virgo born here in San Bernardino and this was my horoscope page the other day that I captured for use.
I don't use horoscopes often, but in this case, it applies.
The screen snapshot of horoscope site information page reads with a slight added comment here::

All About Virgo : August 23 - September 22

The analytical mind of a Virgo is never satisfied.  Ruled by information seeking Mercury, you intelligent individuals live to soak up knowledge.  Expecting nothing but the best from yourself and those around you, service-oriented Virgo is always happy to help others achieve certain standards.  Luckily, while your mind is always reeling with the next critique, your fast and witty sense of humor [ which I have lost due to #ConspiracyExposed ] supports your light-hearted side -- and keeps you on the good side of others.


I do not accept the conditions of the status quo against my life choices.  I do not accept irrational thinking paradigms that does not enable my rights as a person with disabilities per the United Nations mandates on our society responsibility and duty toward each other.  These rights that would enable me to become a full and equal contributing member of society to the full accepted practice of sharing wisdom and truth.   I do not except asinine excuses to detach our world realities for selfish sides of disinterested motives or worse yet to cover up or become internal of problems you may find as a conflict of interest to not engage me because of your side of corruption histories that you do not wish to rock the boat as they call it.   It is time to stand up and rock the boat together and tip the boat over and go for a little or big swim as we may need. You will find the use of Madonna's Track Song Swim in a media presentation on Soundcloud in the name of my former case manager at the Colorado Health Network.  The title on Soundcloud is::


Madonna lyrics from Swim off the album Ray of Light

Verse 1]
Put your head on my shoulder baby
Things can't get any worse
Night is getting colder
Sometimes life feels like it's a curse

I can't carry these sins on my back
Don't wanna carry any more
I'm gonna carry this train off the track
I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

[Verse 2]
Children killing children while the
Students rape their teachers
Comets fly across the sky
While the churches burn their preachers

We can't carry these sins on our back
Don't wanna carry any more
We're gonna carry this train off the track
We're gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

Let the water wash over you
Wash it all over you
Swim to the ocean floor
So that we can begin again
Wash away all our sins
Crash to the other shore


I can't carry these sins on my back
Don't wanna carry any more
I'm gonna carry this train off the track
I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor

Crash to the other shore
Swim to the ocean floor

My mission work has now a reaching out platform of commons that I have found to engage in attempting to bring my mission work forward.  This organizations common ideal focus only debuts last month February 4th.

Why does your field of work should be incorporated as unified into mine is obvious by the graphic that is displayed on this page:  It relates to the brain and behavioral sciences of addiction.
Showing a screen snapshot of the top of the problem page from HumaneTech.com --- shows the title banner

Our society is being hijacked by technology.   A picture of a human brain with numbered references to different location areas within our brain. Under the picture of a human brain is the text

What we feel as addiction is a part of something much bigger.
There's an invisible problem that's affecting all of our society.

This site appears online less than 60 days ago.

So, they are at the ground floor of change. I have been in this mission work for over ten years with the registration of my domain set which was started June of 2006.  I started it first.  But you don't trust me yet to have that answer.  You want to bury your head in the sand of implausibilities that a person with bipolar disorder or any disability of the mind can be so wise and intelligent to offer this solution. You want to disenfranchise my opportunities in our society.  IT IS WRONG to allow you to do this against me.  It is offensive and an insult to my intelligence and is why I am so upset with you all or anyone who is not showing their character wisdom wise outward toward me but prevaricating the truth hiding away in shadows of vagueness or silence extremes.

I want and demand change.  I have a YouTube video presentation that I do believe is complete.  If you do not accept that I am the man of peace building mission work that you must allow to hit your heart of intelligence brain to follow then we have no other reason to exchange in our lives.

I have my right to chastise you and to reprimand you for your insolence for you too allowing the haters to win. . 

For I am that one man who needs to take the reigns away from irrational thinking ideas and bring forward better working models everywhere.  If you do not have interest in my work, you cannot be a part of any interface on my life.  AND that I will be firm, sound, strong, and defiant that if you attempt to alter my course path choice for some altered vision of your reality is better than my future vision of change.  You would be wrong to delay your involvements here too.  I am now living homeless of independence in my family childhood home that I grew up in since age 5 because of an #ConspiracyExposed, which I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is them and not me as being the problem and not the solution. 

I have presentation documents to be delivered to you in the next course work weeks that will be delivered with transmittal business record of receipt and processing on your side of these responsibilities to our world that you must follow and enable my rights per the United Nations convention on the rights for persons with disabilities as my most closest reach of a governmental authority of "the state" representing common decency.

Each one of you requires to answer these two questions when you encounter this content.

Are you with them therefore against me? 


Are you with me and therefore against them?  Therefore they deserve reprimands for what they have done to me.  Who are they?  Let's say, it first starts with Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project but we have a closer interface at Foothill Aids Project that needs to be reset to proper balanced relations that should be considered a strike the fire confrontation of decency.   Everyone has allowed the haters to win and it is wrong to maintain this silence.  I guarantee that history is on my side of the future world of what will be our way of peace living society life.  Join with me and find resolution for these as soon as possible remedy for these undeserving and unnecessary conflicts that happened.  Your delay is standing in my way.

------[ Youtube Video Playlist Presentation ]-----------

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

Presenting the foundation of ideals to the development of a new technology interface of an assisted conflict resolution system. In our world, we have intractable conflicts that remain challenged to be placed upright and resolved. These challenges go to a lack in communication tools that focuses on unification. Counter to what one might think, our society with the current popularity mainstream social media tool platforms being used is becoming detached by way of these technology tools. They are generating one more media marketing frenzy to the profit of companies at the expense of addiction and mental health. Our society is being hijacked by technology. The problem is described in this link [ http://humanetech.com/problem#the-way-forward ]. I propose a two tier cooperative development project. First, the introduction of a morality currency accounting and tracking system called #Kramobones. Second, a user interface that will engage users across domains or even offline that will enable the temporary human to human or human to group collective purpose bonding presence of the peace and reconciliation binding knot of #Mpatapo. These two symbols are sourced from the African adinkra symbolic communication system and much can be utilized in the entire adinkra set of symbols to the creation of a new communication tool. The way adinkra is communicative effective is found in this link. [ https://www.christinebedenis.co/2017/Fadinkra-symbols-ghana ]. This can work to form new understandings across culturally different lifestyles. There are over a hundred adinkra symbols in use today. The final video presented in this presentation is an introduction to the adinkra.


Peace and wellness to you all at Phoenix Community Counseling Center, San Bernardino California,


James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405

I am seeking true friends in this world and a place to live where true friends are found among society freely and not a hate collective caddy group in view and control and reigns of hate that is directing or pulling the puppet strings of illusions, deceptions, lies, and abusive relationships unjustified called into interference of my free flowing honest living cheat free and stealing free life..

All you have to do is read the Glassdoor employee reviews posted after my departure demise because no one would confront this hate collective leadership.  No one had the balls to stand up and show some way out of their hateful mess.   But after I am gone, I deserve to be placed back upright as quickly and justly as possible, no further delays are tolerated.


Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better


Helpful (2)

Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.

They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hours prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?

If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.

Turnover is high!
Show Less

Advice to Management

Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?


Helpful (1)

Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

Advice to Management

Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

End of Glassdoor Reviews. I am sure there will be more future employee review posts showing this negative light on their organization.

I arrived back in town San Bernardino the week of July 17th.  No previous Glassdoor employee reviews appear on the site before I had to leave town Denver  I tried to get the involvement of their Executive Director as I sit there living in my car.  I REFUSED TO LIVE IN MY CAR FOR DAYS AND WEEKS WAITING FOR CHANGE.

This I posted to Facebook:

Friendships are circles of friends and holders from the outside. They are not caddy clicks of gossiping queens. They are not your friends, they will not hold you sound in a dire need. They will disappoint you, guaranteed.

Definition of Caddy from Urbandictionary --- there is no option but to reprimand this hate collective to stop this publicly and as widely known so that others get the message to stop this shit now or else for I see it on Glassdoor as systemic and problematic nationally and it needs to be fixed A S A P or #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP is the meme key I have assigned to it.


When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008

I am done and through being a victim of all you haters!  Go fucking away and leave this country.  Or I leave first and change my United States Citizenry to a country that is much less corrupt.  For Transparency International's latest report scores the United States on a scale from 0 to 100 as being 18.  0 being the worse corruption.  You all go to fucked up human hell where you deserve to burn for allowing the haters to win time after time after time.  The #MeToo / #TimesUp campaigns on the sexual harassment and abuse of mainly women by men in the workplace are showing similar tracks of pathology of reasoning why things must be altered off the tracks of the status quo.  They are directly relevant to the same cause of not able to have a voice and being silenced for now over 10 years in my plight.   I am homeless because of hate not because of my behavior problems.   But you are too way too quick to judge it the other way around.  For you are one of them I bet.  No, you don't get the assumption of goodness when the corruption score is so bad against your favor.

When will you all get it real?

@Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
@Realuphuman 2018 : Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History.

Doctor Mirza, your Hippocratic Oath is being challenged.   DO NO HARM!  But I bet you won't meet my challenge to come clean and be honest for a change.  Will you?


The QR Scan Code in this image Plays the YouTube Video :

The Very Real Possibility That You Could Live Forever


Published on Mar 23, 2015
Will the rise of artificial intelligence lead to us becoming immortal - or lead to our extinction? Turns out it's either one or the other. Much of the information for this video comes from this excellent article on Wait, But Why. it's a 2-part article that will take about an hour to read and I tried to distill it down to a few minutes (and failed). It's a fascinating topic and well worth the read: http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artific... Computer technology is growing at an exponential rate - actually it has been growing exponentially for decades, but the thing about exponential growth is that the further it goes along, the bigger the leaps become. And we are on the cusp of some incredible leaps in technology. Artificial Intelligence has captured our imaginations for years, but now that we are approaching the very real possibility of super-intelligent computers, people are starting to take notice, and the predictions span from boundless utopia to the end of the world. With very little in between. Thinkers and scientists from Ray Kurzweil to Nick Bostrom to Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are issuing stern warnings as well as optimism about what the future holds in a world where humans are not the smartest creatures on the planet anymore. But there's still a long way to go. IBM's Watson was able to beat the biggest Jeopardy winner of all time, but it was still simply processing data, and not thinking in a creative sense. Still, those computers are right around the corner, and what happens when they reach the ability to think on our level and improve themselves will dictate the future - or end - of humanity. This is not small stuff, it's HUGELY important.


I am very much real and calling you all out on bullshit!

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:20 PM
To: inthemindway@gmail.com
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Recipient inbox full

Your message couldn't be delivered to 1manswords@gmail.com. Their inbox is full, or it's getting too much mail right now.
The response was:

The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm j200sor2422623itj.50 - gsmtp

Final-Recipient: rfc822; 1manswords@gmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm j200sor2422623itj.50 - gsmtp
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:20:03 -0700 (PDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Martin J. Driskill" <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Joseph Hutson <joseph.hutson@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, "Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo" <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, "Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face?" <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, Nathan Norman <GodsSweetNectar@gmail.com>, "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:19:59 -0700
Subject: Re: YouTube Presentation : Why Do I not fit into a box or mold :: Your option not mine --- to change your bullshit!
The text of this -- it hard to write -- due to the psychology of trauma
involved in this hate and harassment unresolved that it will never have and
end game is rather seriously showing in my writing when I start to attempt
this story --- with the details that I know is documented on the web and
coded in my email. .  But I have reordered the statement text issued in
addendum  --- it is better read -- anyway. I should not have to focus so
much on this hate corrective action.  I should actually acquire the
necessary mental health wellness healing that should be amended to the
justice of these matters.

Go Fix Some Weighty Truth

---------------------[ I don't care how many time I say this story, it is a
story of truth weather you can understand my writing at first glance.  This
reads understandable. ]------------------------

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including
the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school and
listed at #Kramobone-The.Good. To the conflicted muck contacts at Colorado
Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares. Also to now muck contact at
Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino my current need
detaching services for breech of trust and confidence in these interfaces
of disgrace. An embarrassment from Denver to here if they are listening.

I mean it and I mean it well expertly well I mean it nicely.... this
#Conspiracy Exposed Terminates A S A P

This QR Graphic resolves to this person named binding link :

http://doctor-sadiq-mirza.webdomains.realuphuman.net/sbcounty.gov/Gmail -
Why Do I not fit into a box or mold.html

It would be wise of you all to link to this. Read my address written to my
psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center at
the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my
hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I
was age 5. I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver Colorado
due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me. The direct
source puppeteer of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional director
second director tier in charge of their organization. You all know you are
guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record documented at


David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this
#conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured
harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the
members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of
hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their
site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of
members. It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This
problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge. This
problem of massive privacy violation is among many of the gay social dating
site apps. A conspiracy involving tools of haters elite in gossip crimes of
privacy violations is why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses
to community.

Don't tell me that is not true. You fall on your sword of stupidity for I
have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding
muck creation.

IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to
the community. I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too. I have tried to
involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I
was there to no avail. You have paid them off to keep it hush hush. You
burn in hell for your deeds of destructive forces against community if you
do not turn 180 degrees this time and admit your defea
----- Message truncated -----

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:20 PM
To: inthemindway@gmail.com
Error Icon

Recipient inbox full

Your message couldn't be delivered to sodivine7546360@gmail.com. Their inbox is full, or it's getting too much mail right now.
The response was:

The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm j200sor2422623itj.50 - gsmtp

Final-Recipient: rfc822; sodivine7546360@gmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaPerm j200sor2422623itj.50 - gsmtp
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:20:03 -0700 (PDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Martin J. Driskill" <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: Doctor Mirza <smirza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "Stephen @Gruwup Therapist Graves" <sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: MHSA@dbh.sbcounty.gov, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Joseph Hutson <joseph.hutson@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jamie Villalobos <jamie.villalobos@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, "Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo" <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, "Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face?" <mtona@fapinfo.org>, "Michael Catron / Wave" <wpeladocan@yahoo.com>, david@adam4adam.com, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, Nathan Norman <GodsSweetNectar@gmail.com>, "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:19:59 -0700
Subject: Re: YouTube Presentation : Why Do I not fit into a box or mold :: Your option not mine --- to change your bullshit!
The text of this -- it hard to write -- due to the psychology of trauma
involved in this hate and harassment unresolved that it will never have and
end game is rather seriously showing in my writing when I start to attempt
this story --- with the details that I know is documented on the web and
coded in my email. .  But I have reordered the statement text issued in
addendum  --- it is better read -- anyway. I should not have to focus so
much on this hate corrective action.  I should actually acquire the
necessary mental health wellness healing that should be amended to the
justice of these matters.

Go Fix Some Weighty Truth

---------------------[ I don't care how many time I say this story, it is a
story of truth weather you can understand my writing at first glance.  This
reads understandable. ]------------------------

This goes out to the entire plain of existence contacts I have, including
the students of learning from the Awesome Kramobone Playroom school and
listed at #Kramobone-The.Good. To the conflicted muck contacts at Colorado
Health Network and Rocky Mountain Cares. Also to now muck contact at
Foothill Aids Project locally here in San Bernardino my current need
detaching services for breech of trust and confidence in these interfaces
of disgrace. An embarrassment from Denver to here if they are listening.

I mean it and I mean it well expertly well I mean it nicely.... this
#Conspiracy Exposed Terminates A S A P

This QR Graphic resolves to this person named binding link :

http://doctor-sadiq-mirza.webdomains.realuphuman.net/sbcounty.gov/Gmail -
Why Do I not fit into a box or mold.html

It would be wise of you all to link to this. Read my address written to my
psychiatrist Dr Sadiq Mirza at the Phoenix Community Counseling Center at
the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health here in my
hometown of San Bernardino living at the home where I gruw up in since I
was age 5. I have returned home because I was forced out of Denver Colorado
due to a hate and harassment campaign targeted against me. The direct
source puppeteer of this campaign was Jamie Villalobos, regional director
second director tier in charge of their organization. You all know you are
guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in view of your record documented at


David@Adam4adam.com is in this list for the reasons he knows that this
#conspiracyexposed has cyber technology expertise in the captured
harassment sources and that I know they have been part of allowing the
members of the hiv community to be open and beyond normalcy vulnerable of
hate collectives to use their site in an immoral fashion because their
site's code has a long standing security hole that violates the privacy of
members. It is coded within the messaging section of their site. This
problem with adam4adam over 8 years old from my personal knowledge. This
problem of massive privacy violation is among many of the gay social dating
site apps. A conspiracy involving tools of haters elite in gossip crimes of
privacy violations is why the @FBI is tagged onto twitter in my addresses
to community.

Don't tell me that is not true. You fall on your sword of stupidity for I
have tied it all together in your big massive mischievous marvel of molding
muck creation.

IT MUST TERMINATE A S A P with written confirmation of new commitments to
the community. I know the truth.

You have the media in your pocket to ignore me too. I have tried to
involved Denver Channel 7 news and the Denver Post over the couple years I
was there to no avail. You have paid them off to keep it hush hush. You
burn in hell for your deeds of destructive forces against community if you
do not turn 180 degrees this time and admit your defea
----- Message truncated -----