Gmail Makta Pond Thanks for reaching out! Crisis Text Line Sun, Dec 26, 2021 at 6:56 AM Reply-To: Crisis Text Line To: "Real Up Human [.net]" ##- Please type your reply above this line -## Hi there, Thank you for reaching out! We've received your email and look forward to being in touch with you. In most cases, you should hear from us within 48 hours, if not much sooner! If you have any additional thoughts or questions in the meantime, you can simply reply to this email to add comments. If you're a current Crisis Counselor or Trainee, feel free to also reach out to your Coach for support. If you are in crisis, please text "HELLO" to 741741 at anytime to be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor. Best wishes, Crisis Text Line User Support Team Real Up Human [.net] Dec 26, 2021, 9:56 AM EST THERE IS A HUGE VOID OF TRUST LOST HERE --- i HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FAITH THAT EVEN IF THERE IS MEETING WITH PHILLIP SANTIAGO, THAT THESE MATTERS I BRING UIP WILL BE CONSIDERED WITH ALL SERIOUSNESS! I HAVE BEEN A ODDS WITH THIS PROBLEM FOR A LONG TIME -- NOTHING HAS TRANSPIRED INTO ANY KIND OF VIABLE HOLDING -- YOU TOO WILL FAIL -- FOR SURE! So, in that I know this pre conclusion -- I put a tweet out there --- and PROMO IT for $500 for 5 Days. Budget Yell, I am going off the grid in the failure of this =-- for sure -- you all don't care for what has happened here. You are actually on the side of its creation -- Admit your position. Don't sit there in silence. A Wicked Problem - nothing I say or send out, you care about - perfectly it is understood by me. Understood -- goodbye I died. On Twitter, I have it attached to my local supervisor -- I know the truth. I have done nothing wrong. You can not call me wrong. You can't be critical about the way I am approaching = The Cynicism. cyn·i·cism /ˈsinəˌsizəm/ noun noun: cynicism; noun: Cynicism 1. an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism. Similar: skeptic doubt distrust mistrust doubtfulness suspicion disbelief incredulity unbelief scoffing pessimism negative thinking negativity world-weariness disillusion disenchantment dubiety sardonicism Opposite: optimism * an inclination to question whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile; pessimism. "cynicism about the future" 2. a school of ancient Greek philosophers, the Cynics. What's a Wicked Problem? In 1973, design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber introduced the term "wicked problem" in order to draw attention to the complexities and challenges of addressing planning and social policy problems. Unlike the “tame” problems of mathematics and chess, the wicked problems of planning lack clarity in both their aims and solutions. In addition to these challenges of articulation and internal logic, they are subject to real-world constraints that prevent multiple and risk-free attempts at solving. As described by Rittel and Webber, wicked problems have 10 important characteristics: 1) They do not have a definitive formulation. 2) They do not have a “stopping rule.” In other words, these problems lack an inherent logic that signals when they are solved. 3) Their solutions are not true or false, only good or bad. 4) There is no way to test the solution to a wicked problem. 5) They cannot be studied through trial and error. Their solutions are irreversible so, as Rittel and Webber put it, “every trial counts.” 6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem. 7) All wicked problems are essentially unique. 8) Wicked problems can always be described as the symptom of other problems. 9) The way a wicked problem is described determines its possible solutions. 10) Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.” What does that mean to you - -you have replied -=- you can't characterize me as wrong For ignoring me. but you will. I will not be given viable access to this matter -- wow -- that's the running of a knife to my heart. I do believe I have no further -- this server or serves on your end for a heart instead of a cold frozen wasteland. Attachment(s) image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png Avatar-Hopeless.jpg Cartoonized_My_Face_Pix__3_.png @RealityAudit-Emoji-IAmDying.png image.png image.png image.png Avatar-Hopeless.jpg image.png image.png image.png image.png Real Up Human [.net] Dec 26, 2021, 6:09 AM EST For the The-Most-#HugeFail-In-The-World My Response To Crisis Text Line... Done! An in-the-realtime example of the community disorientation I have put into concern in the community addressing in all of my content. STANDING and WAVING I AM READY TO HAVE AN OPENING - Waiting for Reply - [ confirmation of your involvement in this content -- is required ] [ That would be comforting and assuring ] That our discussion will be real and serious... MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prank? This is a Prank? Slammed Down. Are you going to STAND UP with me -- and Help Me? Help me Save My Life? I don't think you will, you will pass this time to say it is something other person's job. NOT! -------- Index of / * Parent Directory ( * Gmail - Thanks for reaching out! [ CrisisTextLine - Swat - Shoo Fly Dont Bother Me ].html (!%20%5b%20CrisisTextLine%20-%20Swat%20-%20Shoo%20Fly%20Dont%20Bother%20Me%20%5d.html) * Gmail - Thanks for reaching out! [ CrisisTextLine - Swat - Shoo Fly Dont Bother Me ]_files/ (!%20%5b%20CrisisTextLine%20-%20Swat%20-%20Shoo%20Fly%20Dont%20Bother%20Me%20%5d_files/) * On_ Sat_Dec_25_2021_at_1020_PM_Crisis_Text Line_info@crisistextline.org_ wrote-[Consider-Failure-Setup-A-ChristmasDay2021-Suicide]-WhatWentWrong.ogg ( * QR-CrisisTextLine-MONSTER=EVERYWHERE-THE-MESSAGE-TO-ME-GO-FUCK-OFF-AND-DIE!.png (!.png) Time is ticking by -- till the meeting time -- It better show itself REAL! This is NO JOKE -- Guaranteed -- Duration/Hour 35 hours 21 minutes Dec 26, 2021, 2:38 AM – Dec 27, 2021, 2:00 PM Attachment(s) image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png Avatar-Hopeless.jpg Cartoonized_My_Face_Pix__3_.png @RealityAudit-Emoji-IAmDying.png image.png image.png image.png Avatar-Hopeless.jpg image.png image.png Real Up Human [.net] Dec 26, 2021, 5:06 AM EST [ Click On Image To Direct Link To the Audio Media: OGG 41 Min 36 Sec ] ( [ Click On Image To Direct Link To the Audio Media: OGG 41 Min 36 Sec ] ( On This Thread Exact Thread: [ Shameful and a community embarrassment and failure ] Will anyone respond and agree me? Attachment(s) image.png image.png image.png QR-CrisisTextine-MONSTERSEVERYWHERE-THEMESSAGETOME-GOFUCKOFFANDDIE1.png Real Up Human [.net] Dec 26, 2021, 1:20 AM EST Bcc: Please Confirm Receipt. [ Approval for public sharing -- serious - nothing here is a false recorded of this happenstance - I died --I am dying --- Silence is all I receive ]] Seriously fucked up human! [ Click On Images To Be Listen To This Email -- Predicable: You Just Be Slaves To Your Predictability: I Died! [💀😵] ( [ Click On Images To Be Listen To This Email -- Predicable: You Just Be Slaves To Your Predictability: I Died! [💀😵] ( Can you please help? The URL of this Sound Media: [ ] ------ Represents All of Society: I DIED -- James Martin Driskill -- DEAD! [😵💀 ] I DIED! I have absolutely no clue as to why the silence from community and society treat me so badly! AN REA:L LIFE RUINED! OVER AND OVER AND OVER ( STILL ROLLING OVER TO RUIN - ALL HOPE IS LOST. UNSTOPPABLE HATE ) KEEP ON THE FOREVERMORE CRUEL ACTION AGAINST ME I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR WORLD SO FUCKED UP- YOU HAVE NOT EVEN A CLUE TO HOW FUCKED UP YOU ALL ARE! ------ TO: , @Mama - Roni Drskill @Track info@CrisisTextLine.Org CC: @FBI Los Angeles Field Office - Community Outreach @NPA Spokeswoman Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) and KEY FOCUS: "Mini Law School: Reference Video Source - Alyssa Baines - Director of Development" DATED === CHRISTMAS 2021 -- FOR IMMEDATE PUBLIC CONCERNS. A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY IS BEING ABUSED AND A VICTIM OF GANGSTALKING. ALL EFFORTS HAVE BEEN TRIED TO GET THE ATTENTION OF THE TRUTH BEFORE THE PUBLIC -- I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING AND EVERY ONE -- A SOCIETY FAILS AND I MUST GO MISSING - OFF THE GRID -- TO GO DIE! IF ONLY LEGAL CAPACITY, THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION FOR THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, SPECIFICALLY ARTICLE 12 WOULD BE ENFORCED UPON A NATION, BY RATIFYING THE DOCUMENT IN CONGRESS. ASSIGNED BY PRESIDENT OBAMA, I MUST DEMAND IT ENABLED IN THE CARE OF LIFE OVER DEATH IN MY LIFE. NO, THAT IS NOT WHAT WILL BE UNDERTAKEN -- ALL SANITY AND ITS SANITY IS DEFINED IN THE MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY --- THIS COUNTRY WILL FAIL ME! IT WILL BE AN -- I TOLD YOU SO -- I DIED MOMENT -- WATCH -- IT UNFOLD JUST LIKE I SAY -- YOU ALL ARE JUST SLAVES TO YOUR PREDICTABILITY! In final form, one more acknowledgment, the undermined of trust for the technology tools we are using. Fresh Windows 11 update, unapproved an instant revolt for that offense. TikTok ---- appears to be a temptation In the history of all in this, one might think something or know something I am no spy, not trained in spycraft. No, I am just a normal everyday citizen with disabilities trying to hold my life in the guidance of my teaching of moral upbringing. People can not deal with real real real reality. An image of the failed Facebook Messenger of Crisis Text Line: I ended, and they replied: You sent THESE ARE MATTERS OF NEED FOR THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY! You sent Seriously, to the directives of change in the Mental Health Industry as a whole. Crisis Text Line You have used Crisis Text Line inappropriately by prank texting. Crisis Text Line For this reason this conversation has been ended. Inappropriate use of our service may result in you being banned from using our crisis service for 6 months. BLOCKED COMMUNICATION CHANNEL: What I was about to add, got cut off. If we can leave this for the moment, I will return to Crisis Text Line when I have completed my work on the email that must provide the sanity out of the insanity that I keep encountering online and offline - GOD is WATCHING all of this. For sure! ---- We as a society have lost trust so eroded, truth and reality can not be said. There is no prank texting here. A communication bridge needs to be erected. In all of this, there is the truth. As such, I registered back in 2005 something unique. I never thought it to be anything but a place to label or index a life journal that I choose to reflect on and project a reality at all times. No way can it be said, I am suffering from a break from reality. My hp laptop computer, I myself messed up the screen when In the first weeks after I got it, in planning to leave this house - leave everything behind. I Left here in August - on an Amtrak train to New York. My brand new mobile device, new area, new name, address assigned for the record is the address of the United Nations. I left this hp computer with a 1 terabyte hard drive, barely filled at the homeless shelter at Rise of a Fallen Angel of San Bernardino, attempting to get help with this. A homeless shelter outside my family. My family story follows. What happened at the shelter is placed into the document recorded as an audio file named HateTrophy, the details of my attempt to dire and send via Facebook Messenger -- their chosen interface visible to our community. The audio file generated has the transcript of that effort is named: Hate Trophy -- URL Below. I left my HP Laptop at a homeless shelter. Escape from community to the United Nations. I give up on you all. My mother knew it was there but I did not request it back. In January when I was hospitalized from the events of the motel room, she allowed a friend I told no more abuse of me. She allowed him back in the house -- of course, I had told her - I never wanted to see Timothy Kyle Ashley ever again! I announce to the house weeks prior, he is a thief! She allowed him while in my absence to come into my room, steal my computer and my wallet. That computer is not returned and my ATM was used without my authorization. No more timothy. Right? This story of drama continues. The HP laptop I am using, broken screen. I bought it to replace the one lost by theft! Left at the homeless shelter. The audio generated is titled. Hate Trophy Crossing this is that I know what I know. Be damned the truth. I am not believed in the truthfulness of reasonings I attempt to bring into a conversation here under this roof. With all seriousness applied. No, that is not the environment I am under. I am trapped! Trapped in a world of insanity! I know what I know. When I don't know, I say so. Only to know MyDomain, with an Unlimited Storage Featured in my paid subscription services since 2005, issued Me a letter. Poor little old me, a demand to remove data. I exceeded the top of the entire domains users. I was over with what has been basically the inclusion of ideals, to my best holding of a 1945 article that appears in The Atlantic Monthly. The article describes what is a 'Memex Device" The file removal directives of the internet web hosting service of my file space of Mydomain to remove my backup directory files, in the execution of that action, there must have had a hardlink reference to: Http:// With a prior connection to @MyDomain This includes the files referenced here: They never replied to my customer service issues. The conducted correspondence in email that received no reply. The name reference obviously implies something serious... serious? A problem with security. A problem with integrity. Maybe? Should that folder have to be named: Details lost on needing detail rather than simple mode in the communications I NEED to be ENABLED, please. Insert, the homeless shelter again on the site of hate, creates this link to the audio, an attempt to use Facebook messenger, again to a sustained natural course of dual-direction conversation --- The tool most abused any normal process to hold a proper conversation. HTTP:// ( I just can not believe that everyone I encounter defends the silence and the activity of our nation's enemies. Exactly what is here -- happening here -- on this slice of life. MyDomain involvement proves a precognitive agency of motives to protect something that can't say. The motives are given an attempt to explain. No reply What remains is the deductible reasoning of deafening silence. My file space was hacked by a setup dynamic and a self-action. The word "memex" itself is misspelled as not a word in the dictionary . However, showing the science involved [ memetics ] is a lexicon of our approaching year 2023 humanity. ( See attached image ) Boring an The Amtrak Train Trip from my hometown of San Bernardino to New York City was interrupted. I was pulled off the train by attempting to install a communication bridge with the train's conductor shortly after she boarded In Austin Texas. My destination was ( and continues to be possible) the United Nations. Results to these logged realities of documentation into this Memex space: The direct involvements to what they attempted when I was transferred to an involuntary hold at a Bell County Mental Hospital. They filed in court without my knowledge. A probable cause for what I know is the truth. It might be a hard stretch for current Doctors to accept this, by way of ignorance or intentional blockage of patient-centered communications. To absorb the ability of the experts to get away with the abuse in this field of healthcare, That allows the label by default: They deem me the enemy and danger against a secret agenda. Their attempt failed to throw me away from society by an illegal process of out-of-due process. This is proved and documented. To at least a first stage of a 45 days hold for psychiatric care and observance. Documented here: These are facts documented. These are facts documented. These are facts documented. When after all of that from Texas, I should not come back. I have compelled a release treatment plan. Which they were not going that direction -- I did not even know about the court papers- they gave me. Further insult, when I got home back to San Bernardino --- who is back here -- my mother did not give the respect of all of the truth. I am forsaken that all off you can't be honest. Timothy Kyle Ashley who is a thief-- stole my computer and various other things, and I am supposed to forgive this shit for peace. I am the peace man- Timothy Kyle Ashley was once again welcomed and hanging around this house and remains to be that welcomed guest here written in Christmas Day 2021.. What becomes apparent, up to my mother needing to find an object from the kitchen. She asked me earlier. If I had it inside here. In a locked room. I of course said no. Because I don't. In all that she is doing. An item in the kitchen overall is not that important. An hour ago or now. She is coming in and pissing on my life -- my work in this email -- and the rest -- I called her on your manipulations. For sure. I told her, the dog must have taken it. This is classic gaslighting. She has an issue and I can be under this roof any more one second past ---the expiration time When I got back from Texas, I found much to a confirmed surprise the fraud established in the Sheriff's and the mental health care system. No kidding. I represent the truth: A Link to YouTube Playlist... no one of these she has placed into your viewing knowledge. To remain ignorant of her duty to hold me honorable to what I have experienced. No impression she is living life in reality. She is suffering from an escape -- she is the one with a need for mental health care. That she does not admit. Videos - Local News Reports/ ( Mama, you don't care that they are after me. You have picked that which you hold to escape into instead of me. You will not become a responsible mother. You forsake me just the same. You continue to focus negatively on me, and psychologically invalidate my efforts. Unlying some methods you are so smooth to have done years. I am not your puppet to abuse mother. That here is revealed. I will not keep secrets. The item from the kitchen =- so not important. Her son's life is a sacrifice to this process. FUCK PEACE! THE HATERS JUST ABUSE THIS! THEY ABSOLUTELY TURN THE BLAME ON ME! I AM SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF IT - NO MORE! To: Philip Santiago, Agent for Functioning Sanity, I hope. A Communication Bridge Needs To Be Present Kareo Function of a Patient Portal I doubt, I am sure the doctor involved said I was crazy. I gave full disclosure I do not do Gotcha moments. With Kareo Patient Portal Facebook Messenger Already Showing OFFENSE With an OFFENSE of Messenger showing. who what why and where do you see yourself in this story? Hello - what the fuck is wrong with you all people? Hello - is there anyone listening? I must insist to conduct a @RealityAudit What Is that? You might ask. It starts here: Logically, your involvement in this process is mandated. There is only one way to walk through this convention of its contention held in as a [ Wicked Problem ] of a long-standing generation back [ Intractable Conflict ]. Definitions for Wicked Problem and Intractable Conflict follow at the very end appended to this thread I am really serious am at my end of coping with this craziness. I need and expect the help of those to who I am reaching out to bring strong counsel, even in my healthcare. Or I die trying to save this from its full collapse. You must see reality in this! I expect professionalism and respect from all being called Into the resolutions of these matters. My demands are simple. To enable my rights of "legal capacity " ability to upward share these details to your customer of Kareo Patient Portal My family remains distant, to say the least. To be in my defense and demand that not to continue. . No more. Mercy Mercy Mercy Me, Stop The Hate Already. All efforts From everyone, Too Little - Too Late When oh when will you all finally impactfully listen to me? 911 emergency services integrity is provable involved to my life, mental health interface in our civil society corrupted. The Governors of Gangstalking By Richard Lighthouse Ebook on Amazon Excerpt: quote "The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you." end quote NO MORE TIME. THIS IS PROVABLE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. My interface with 911 Text and voice services was events that come into the view of the responsibility of those who are in our society that personally is at the service of life over death of me. 911 details events in a motel room starting Jan 3rd, 2021. Marked on social media as #BloodRoom101 The community apathy to not receive the truth is TREASON. You will act to ignore me. Here now and future. A Forevermore Cruel Outrage! I DIED! My family is shattered. I really need my mother to cross-share my correspondences because I fear content suppression filtering. This family's betrayal of not familiarizing themselves with me and what I do. And to represent all this for all of these years. They are a huge matter of disoriented priorities they lose track of. This Insolence is too much to cope with. They refuse the calling of a family member of my needs for them to also change. You all are collectively insane. I cannot stay here. When I got back from Denver in 2017, I opened my mother's inbox, to not know how long of possible filters in email and the deafening silence for the communications sent. They were all there, unread. Basically 15 years back. The use of the TO: address goes into that archive. She claims she can not access it when after I brought her attention to the unread history. This argument about the destructive psychological invalidating continues up to this day. An unnatural set of equations she refuses to take her responsibility for. When in 2017, I came back here, knowing what happened to me in Denver, a 11-month hate and harassment campaign against me, uprooted me from HIV residency, I should never have come back here. My mother and I made the agreement that we would seek counseling. That felt flat on true integrity on her part. We went for a few sessions, she lied on the intake forms. She and I, in their clinic office - with a telecommuting interface. Fail Fail. - Yes, Philip, we (communication bridge ) are talking about the same location of Inland Psychiatric that my appointment on the 4th January is set to kill me without a doubt. You all are insane. I refuse to be the continued target of a society that attacks me. Let me go - to have freedom - from this long-term attack against a peace mission man. To go and leave your insanity in freedom to choose death over this life. No one here in complexity. You all hold onto your insatiable need for simplicity and apathy. I AM AN TARGETED INDIVIDUAL OF GANGSTALKING FOR 16+ YEARS!. NOW RESEARCHED ON THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH. NO MORE DELAY! BUT YOU MUST ALSO FAIL! Let me go off the grid to go die. That which is your failing to best represent the world's special interest and not an Imbalanced doctor/patient relationship deemed unworthy to continue its silence and intention to destroy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Literally, in the view of the government's involvement in holding secrets, The fact of truth, this can not be dismissed as paranoid delusion: I am public enemy #1 The one and only, I Died trying to be the agent of peace at the defense of my country. In defense of National Security of The United States of America. This email deserves to be confirmed of reading receipt. I am re-engaging your chatbot to the intake log of these outward messages. Thank You. 24% complete on installation. In final - attached photo. Leave me the fuck alone. Stop gangstalking me! It is a community-based problem of national security interest that must be terminated. Unconditionally, the doctors involved in my life must interface with this knowledge. Fuck You Doctors otherwise. You all have destroyed me. You continue to destroy other Targeted Individuals that are being attacked at the vulnerability of our mental health stability. Actions of Psychologically Invisible Weapons of WAR against our citizens. How the fuck can you remain there knowing this and be a doctor sworn to your oath to do no harm? I protest your apathy! Fuck You All Haters! CONFRONTED - Remains in silence! Doctor Joseph Pierre @PsychUnseen ( Twitter/Facebook) Psychology Today Blog Writer His continued effort of Agnotology noted - forensic analysis of his 3 part article on Gang Stalking opinion is a mass delusion. A Lie, I confront. Surrender! Terminate this Psych Unseen activity of cyberwar -- Immediately! The activity showing itself real -- known as gangstalking. Exactly what the fuck is wrong with you all people? YOU ARE BUSTED! Windows 11 : My login name: No Consent - James - No Gangstalking - Driskill About TIk Toc:!.ogg YouTube Playlist: Remarkable, the apps PUSH out to our collective -- the inner technology, intentional, not accident. The push push push is a WEAPON of CYBERWAR against this country! You are sick from community apathy - at the very least! Tik Tok -- Install Info Wars ( 6 videos No views And FBI involvements not confirmed: This snipped from the open Samsung Chat they abanded me -- Ghosted their role. The chat showing remaining open -- Snapshot today. I demand community-level affairs needs, an opportunity to hold "legal capacity" to be advanced. FBI Main Written Address: Http:// ( ‎7:36 AM QR Code url: ‎7:37 AM 7:37 AM December 17th, 2021 ) Seriously what the fuck I wrong with you all people? I am going to smash this Samsung device as promised against a wall on January 7th, 2022 at 2:00 pm if there is no committed change of direction. I am leaving to go missing. You all are not acting naturally. Conduct unbecoming professionals. Conduct unbecoming family. Conduct unbecoming community. Conduct unbecoming Law Enforcement Local to Federal into the FBI. You are suffering from great mesmerizing mind control to hold apathy for the construct of correction of this madness. That mind control is a mind virus created to destroy the country of The United States of America. You are all not acting with normalcy. You are acting upside down and inverse when the truth is told. That act is to destroy the messenger, and that is exactly when you have done. I died. Human no longer breathing dead. You will never listen to me. @Gruwup Christmas 2021 Great Reasons [ Never Found ] Us Will Unite Peace Great Reasons [ Never Found ] United States Will Unite Peace @END Virus-free. ( On Sat, Dec 25, 2021, 10:31 AM Real Up Human [.net] wrote: The Link that I have here, reset from the code that is embedded in the filter below -- there is nothing wrong with this link: On Sat, Dec 25, 2021 at 10:28 AM Real Up Human [.net] wrote: This Comment Is Applied to Public Space Video and DOES NOT VIOLATE any TERMS of SERVICE. -- At a SACRIFICE FROM OUTSIDE --- TARGETED ME in CYBERWAR - FACT! SORT BY NEWEST FIRST -- AND THE COMMENT IS MISSING. WHY? BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN POSTING THE TRUTH -- AND THEY OUT SIDSE, THE ENEMIES OF OUR NATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT OUR CIVIL SOCIETY JUST ALLOWS TO KEEP ATTACKING ME! I GO MISSING OUT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - BECAUSE NO ONE WILL DO THEIR COUNTRY THE DEEDS TO DEFEND IT -- I HAVE NO QUESTION TO THE POSITION OF THIS-- I WILL DIE FIRST I AM ALREADY DYING -- LET MY LAST DAYS BE FREE FROM THIS INSANITY THAT CIVIL SOCIETY IMPOSES ON ME -- LET ME GO TO FREEDOM FOR SOME LASTING DURATION -- IT HAS BEEN SO LONG LOST -- AND YOU ALL DEFEND THIS AGAINST ME -- FUCK YOU ALL DOCTORS! ----- BRAINY DOSE ( 1.74M subscribers Honesty is something that many people claim to have, however, there are things only truly honest people understand. Their personality allows them to have unique perspectives to situations, and they would rather speak their minds than pretend to be something they are not. Because when you lie, you are not free. Living in falsehood and constant lies and dishonesty eventually catches up with people. While being honest may have its pros and cons, it’s important that we all learn to speak the truth. That’s the only way we can build trust with others and establish solid relationships. Brutally honest people understand this more than anything! They also know that honesty is generally appreciated by others – even if they don’t do so right away. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music: Epidemic Sound Visuals: VideoBlocks / Dreamstime / Pexels / Pixabay / Other Voice-over Recording, Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose For any copyright related queries please contact us directly at ------------------------------------------------------------------ 760 Comments Add a public comment... James Driskill ( 0 seconds ago ( I have a new to post the URL of this work page -- that references this video: This references Kareo-Patient-Portal and is to engage in the balanced Doctor/Patient relationship in accordance with the Convention For the Rights for Persons With Disabilities. This COMMENT should not become CENSORED [ but it will ], because I am being TARGETED in and CYBERWAR against the content that I post. So, I will have my own copy of this content, which this effort I have MUST BE APPLIED onto the FBI! to FIX -- I can not have an ONLINE LIFE in this PARADOX of DISHONESTY vs. HONESTY Conspiracy. I wake up every single day to a nightmare allowed to continue -- and I am dying. I died trying. I leave my life and my country to go missing on the EXPIRATION of January 7th, 2022, 2:00 PM -- ABSOLUTE LAST TIME EXPIRATION -- NOT ONE MORE SECOND OF TIME OVER. THE FACTS HEREIN NEED TO BE SAID. THE ELEMENTS ARE NATIONAL SECURITY IN A CYBERWAR AGAIN THE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES CITIZENRY! On Sat, Dec 25, 2021 at 12:16 AM Real Up Human [.net] wrote: This page CREATED for the NOTEWORTHY IMPERATIVES -- I am doing absolutely nothing wrong -- Facebook is here following my directives too! Allow Kareo to respond in Messenger [ Allowed ] - How about an apology for that misstep that happened? Public Posting: The URL of this page: This is a @RealityAudit -- as is my interface definition of being "Other Role" -- Something Nice For Me In The End? Something Nice For You In The End - Something Greater Than We Were - Hense We Move Foward Now? In All Clarity? On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 7:00 PM Real Up Human [.net] wrote: Hi Phil -- Merry Christmas. I realize this message was automated. I am really looking forward to that same meeting. I assume that you understand, I am here kind of in an odd role. And that your own site takes the role of patient to refer to the provider. I have placed the log and reference to our meeting in their general email [ ] -- I am still wondering if I have an inclusive opening. I assume that you can have, multiple persons in this meeting. I have an appointment with the doctor on the 4th of January, and an ABSOLUTE EXPIRATION of January 7th, 2022 2:00 PM, not a second more delay. Your meeting for December 27th Meeting Invite Code was offered to them. I don't accept a subordinate association upon this. If the provider can apply himself - I welcome his opening in this view. I need a help element -- from your agency of assistance, I got the real deal abused brush off in our Facebook Messenger from Kareo Patient Portal. This is a PUBLIC FILED HTML ARCHIVE of the MESSENGER content. I can not see how ONE BAD HERE =-- IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALLOWANCE. FacebookMessenger-[Kareo-Patient-Portal]-[Contacted-Out]-[Response]-[Deflection-Dismissal]-Were-Glad-You-Had-A-Positive-Experience-Seriously-@Fuckeduphuman.htm ( 2021-12-24 06:54 192K 2021-12-24 06:54 192K I don't play these games. I am doing absolutely nothing wrong here. I am doing everything I can -- to enable a new day in my care all of my doctors care. Legal Capacity Equal With Others I should be equal in this endeavor. On YouTube" Alyssa Baines Director of Development 401 UCB 2450 Kittredge Loop Drive Wolf Law Building Boulder, CO 80309 Office: 320E Phone: (303) 735-3689 E-mail: Mini Law School - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ( 1,297 views Time Index -- Article 12 ( #Kramobone: This is a NAMED BINDING URL: STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN - I am not your average patient. That is the "Other Role" that I am bringing up into real existence. I expressed this to I do not do gotcha moments and I expect FULL AND COMPLETE PROFESSIONALISM! How do I trust you with the need to bring forward into view? - EVERYTHING I HAVE TO THE PRESSING the RIGHT INTERFACE INTO MY NEEDS? [ History of care provider Interface and a Discrepancy in a Non-Approved Insurance Coverage By The Other Office Location ] Is this interface too HOT on REALITY - FOR YOU InlandPsych? -- Will Phil S. suddenly be sick? Note the COMPOSING OF THE TEXT FOR CRPD ARTICLE 12 IS TO ADDRESS THE ABUSE THAT CAN AND DOES OCCUR IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE. OLD PARADIGM. We need a Paradigm shift -= which I do not quite see - fully! CRPD Signed 2009 -- Almost 2022 now. Self Direction, which I am doing one way -- without any presence of return participation. the other side of this [ InlandPsych ] does not seem to be responsive. I demand the change that is required to be freed into action - or explain to me why not? Thank you. Kareo Patient Portal Already Has A Demerit departing from Excellence. \ ALL HOPE IS LOST BY THAT SINGLE RESPONSE! I frankly am Insulted -- as a patient as being me, myself, and I I cried last night - in that there is nothing here of faith that is going to work CORRECTLY PROPERLY LEGALLY -- Ouch -- Did you step into a bunch of shit. I am NOT THE SHIT STORM -- if you have one, it is your responsibility. I am here with all true honesty. I don't see how you can have any kind of policy that allowed the messenger operator to depart from that chat so abusively to me. It must happen all of the time - since it is an open interface, FROM ALL THAT IS THE SHIT STORM HISTORY PLACED AGAINST ME.. I REALLY DO NOT KNOW WHY I GIVE ANYBODY A CHANCE-- AT ALL! AT ALL AT ALL -- I AM LOST - AND YOU DESIRE ME TO DIE! I MIGHT AS WELL DIE! --- ABSOLULELU EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE I REACH UP TO. FALLS BY AN INSANITY I JUST DO NOT AGREE WITH -- I DO NOT ALLOW - I DO NOT TRUST YOIU NOW YOU LOST IT -- FROM THE VERY START -- WHY DO YOU ALL HATE ON ME -- SO QUICKLY SO EASILY? WHY DO YOU ALLOW SUCH WRONG WAY ACTIONS INTO OUR PRESENTATIONS OF DIGITAL TOOLS ACTIONS? OF YOUR CHARACTERS COLLECTIVE -- CORRUPTIVE OF TRUST! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE TO BE? THE COMMON INSTEAD OF REALISM? HELLO -- HELLO --- WE HAVE A MEETING--- Am I an enemy -- representing honesty here? I am here comply bewildered at your conditioned responses to me. I REFUSE that - I CHALLENGE THAT! Thank You. On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 5:00 PM Phil S. wrote: Hey James👋, Saw we have a meeting for 12:00 PM PST on Monday, December 27, 2021 - can't wait to chat! For your convenience, I've included our meeting information below: Time: 12:00 PM PST, Pacific Standard Time Date: Monday, December 27, 2021 Location: Do you have any questions? Feel free to reply here - talk soon! Cheers, Phil S. Lead Qualification Specialist , Kareo ( 9495363533 | Book a Meeting ( What's a Wicked Problem? In 1973, design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber introduced the term "wicked problem" in order to draw attention to the complexities and challenges of addressing planning and social policy problems. Unlike the “tame” problems of mathematics and chess, the wicked problems of planning lack clarity in both their aims and solutions. In addition to these challenges of articulation and internal logic, they are subject to real-world constraints that prevent multiple and risk-free attempts at solving. As described by Rittel and Webber, wicked problems have 10 important characteristics: 1) They do not have a definitive formulation. 2) They do not have a “stopping rule.” In other words, these problems lack an inherent logic that signals when they are solved. 3) Their solutions are not true or false, only good or bad. 4) There is no way to test the solution to a wicked problem. 5) They cannot be studied through trial and error. Their solutions are irreversible so, as Rittel and Webber put it, “every trial counts.” 6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem. 7) All wicked problems are essentially unique. 8) Wicked problems can always be described as the symptom of other problems. 9) The way a wicked problem is described determines its possible solutions. 10) Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.” Beyond Intractability: Home ( Knowledge base, online seminars, and blogs focused on strategies for limiting the destructiveness of intractable conflict. You cannot just fully my life and presence to satisfy the shity thing you have created in this country! You cannot remain there in silence! GOD IS WATCHING -- GOD FORBID YOU TO BE AN AGENT OF HATE TO KILL THE PEACE MAN -- BRINGING THESE INTO VIEW -- YOU ARE KILLING ME! : LITERALLY -- I DIED -- I TOLD YOU SO -- WILL BE THE RESULTS OF FAILURE! The term ‘intractable conflict’ is widely perceived as an impossible dilemma: a situation with which there is no positive outcome, no solution. These are the conflicts alleged to stubbornly elude resolution despite the use of popular conflict management techniques available. Intractable conflict, a vast area of concern, has often been characterised by the prolonged violent actions of state actors or communities in response to harmful social or cultural hardships. Redress and/or revenge are motivating factors. These conflicts have survived because of deep-rooted and complex attitudes, behaviours and situations which seem to be impenetrable to methods of resolution. Virus-free. 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