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  • (just now) Msg sent and unread by recipient then explore:

    [ /Awesome-Kramobone-Playroom/VoxDoc Text To Spoken Voice Sharing Files/MP3 ]

    AWESOME Kramobone Playspace - desc.mp3
  • (3 mins ago) Msg sent and unread by recipient
    want to know more?

    perform an "Ok Google" lookup on this :

    [ Awesome Kramobone Playroom ]\\

    first note this is a real location place here in Denver -- GPS accurate to the inch.

    first thing to look at is the

    Images link -- shows from the online colllective contrivutions globally on the African Adrinka Symbols set of communication symbols. many of my personaallly creatited images are included.

    next... go back to the maps main school location page and use the website link to access the public file contents memespace directory....

    @gruwup dot net ----> resources ---->

    goto subfolder:

    [ Start-Here - Main Web Info Pages ]


  • (15 mins ago) these are also posted on the wall here atvthis place im deveoping here -- officially recognized as a school in google maps expanded as

    A adults conceptions in consentual practices school of thought and community change for the betterments of happiness and peace building.



    Art thou dejected?
    Is thy mind o'ercast?
    To chase thy gloom,
    Go fix some weighty truth;
    Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
    Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
    Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
    Be just in all things; make amends
    For follies past, and, with warm heart,
    Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
    Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
    And then thy counsels will be strong,
    Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

    THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.



  • (21 mins ago) even availbhere in spanish too:


    Calidad sobre cantidad:

    Un "Intención", declaró dice que se va a seguir adelante en un movimiento.
    "De acuerdo con" en un movimiento dice que hay un reconocimiento en el cambio de su mente de la intención por lo tanto trae una nueva acción.

    Las normas aquí:
    [1] Todos son iguales aquí.
    [2] Si usted está atascado en la intención, en cualquier momento a través de follovi en acción
    y el movimiento, por favor reafirmar que la intención no es cierto. No pierda el tiempo de los demás en este espacio de espera y la lectura ..

    Tienen que ver, o reconocer, sus intenciones se están moviendo a la acción. Otros pueden afirman que no está siguiendo a través en cualquier momento, es evidente.

    Pero a ciencia cierta cuando se sabe que nunca habrá una acción de su intención declarada (s). por favor deje en el momento, ya sea que usted sabe que no perteneces aquí, en este espacio o eres agenda oculta (s) se llaman sobre vosotros. Eso es pacífica y respetuosa.

    No discuta un ciclo más de las intenciones declaradas de tiempo de residuos. Puede ser en silencio a ti, pero no es una forma pacífica de estar con otras personas. No volver aquí hasta que pueda ser honesto y libre que fluye sin agendas ocultas. Gracias.

    Gruwup: Merece nosotros [You, I y todos los aquí] se unirán Paz

    [ English: Quality Over Quantity - Hidden Agendas.txt ---> Spanish ]
  • (23 mins ago) Now for the Words of Guidance posted on my walls here:


    Quality Over Quantity:

    A stated "Intention" says you are going to follow through into a motion.
    "Following through" into a motion says there Is a recognition In the change of your mind from intention thus brings a new action.

    The rules Here:
    [1] All are equal here.
    [2] If you are stuck at intention at any time to follow through into action
    and motion, Please restate that intention is not true. Do not waste the time of others in this space waiting and reading you..

    They must see, or recognize, your intentions are moving to action. Others may state you're not following through at anytime it is apparent.

    But for sure when you know there will never be an action from your stated intention(s). please leave at the time when either you know you do not belong here in this space or you're hidden agenda(s) are called out upon you. That is peaceful and respectful.

    Do not argue one more cycle of waste time stated Intentions. It may be silent to you, but it is not a peaceful way of being with others. Do not return here until you can be honest and free flowing with no hidden agendas. Thank you.

    @Gruwup: Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All here ] Will Unite Peace
  • (26 mins ago)
    "Who wants to be on time anyways! "

    This flows in line of things [ community standards suffers from the state of oblivion - individually one on one and collectively cumulative each time disrespectful oblivion after oblivion after oblivion expire on and tramples upon our noosphere. ways.


    A stated intention if not carried onto fulfilled action and completions left unsaid and undone without thought release do not just dissipate into meaningless nothingness. I think you already know this truth of stated intention physics of memetic after effects that actually glows on our relations in sharing with others.


    Glows meaning an energetic presence is calculable upon our mind and brains. A FMRI can show it glows in the active brain synapses.... just know the science in the understanding of the human mind is also under great far reaching strides of paradigm shift advancements... 2005 forward thanks to Obama Mapping the human brain initiatives.
  • (44 mins ago) Has unlocked his private picture for you.
  • (44 mins ago) i'm primarily responding to your statement made in your profile:

    "There is never an agenda." - or as i have it defined here as "hidden agendas". will follow up on this in next message.


    Cap hill off 10th and Washington

    if u want to stop in and raw fuck my ass till u bust out a huge hot cum knut into my ass deep deep - just picked up some favs - can share if your into it. {or not / optional }

    Currently here alone - no confirmed other visitors {yet}

    hosting at
    1005 Washington apt 112
    use door intercom code

    # [pound ] 112


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