Truthfinder / scam artists

San Diego, CA, United States
Contact information:

If there are people who think this website was useful for them, please, contact me, I really want to be convinced they deserved the money I aid for their ridiculous service.
The fee is high and they will charge you once a month. It's about thirty dollars. If only I knew I would never ever mess with them...
So I was charged and thought I would get a complete information. But what I got was: address and phone number of a person. Why would pay for this if it's already known???

It's a ripoff and I recommend staying away from these artists.

Oct 31, 2017
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  • Ja
      1 hr 24 mins ago

    i am the owner of : : @[censored]

    As such, I am also a member of

    There are some cross intention purposes that can be used that perhaps the persons you are searching for do not have a lot of activities to report. But when they do, it can reveal quite a lot.

    If you perform a google search [ site:[censored] ]

    Among one of the matches, you will receive is this rat!

    You see, I signed up for TruthFinder to be able to background check persons contacting me for various reasons that would end up being something they were not representing. They were a series of these connections intentioned on disrupting my life ---- an 11-month hate and harassment retaliation campaign that I suffered through since my move in date into HIV Housing in the Denver Area.

    But I did not know the source of the hate and harassment -- the Puppeteer another word. Things were so persistent --- documented records of things are found on the domains above.

    Anyway, this all comes crashing up to an unjust eviction for contacting the building manager after it was exposed there were connections of events internal of this conspiracy being exposed unwinding little by little. The records filed in court mention a bicycle that was left over from a guy that was let into my apartment outside of my direct invitation. The person who was visiting me [ wolf in sheep's clothing ] would end up being caught on video making a disturbance in front of the building late evening trying to get in for clothes he so-called left here after I kicked him out. So actor 1 invited one day actor 2 with a bicycle. Actor 2 became ill to be vomiting all over my place. Anyway, the mess was made a bit less obvious when I told actor 2 to clean up his mess. This before actor 1 returned. Anyway, when actor 1 returned, we took actor 2 to the hospital leaving the bicycle. This was sometime in May and was never claimed. In October, the bicycle made it onto the rack of the building when I had it stored elsewhere for a long duration. This is just a piece of this involvement. So in October as I walk into the building with a friend, tenant actor 1 was looking over this bicycle for some odd reason considering the history of it. The tenant of the building claimed that the owner of that bicycle transferred the ownership of that bicycle to him outside of my knowledge. Really tenant co-conspirator? Really?

    This event placed this hate and harassment conspiracy I was under to be internal of the community involvement. I still did not have the source. This ended up to an impasse when I could no longer take what was happening, the silence of the community to acknowledge this truth ---- and they filed for eviction against me on November 30th 2016, the day before World Aids Day. Now, I still did not have enough conclusive evidence of who was targeting me. I had events documented there is something odd happening --- and no one talking, . That is what I had. So I stayed with a friend after I moved out --- not fighting the eviction for lack of evidence. It would not become apparent until July 5th 2017 that an event in front of the Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project occurred between me and Jamie Villalobos. That out of odd behavior of hate overruled his calmness and he exposed himself by this behavior he held against me. So, the next day I recorded a Facebook live video on my account renacting the events and naming Jamie Villalobos, the second tier in charge, regional director as the puppeteer. But my word alone based on the exposure of a hidden emotional reaction ---- I could not flow with that in court.

    BUT HERE AT LAST ---- I had to leave town for my hometown of San Bernardino where I write this report. That just two weeks after I left the Denver regional area, Glassdoor Reviews start to report themselves to something extremely wrong at Colorado Health Network. Those reviews still stand visible to this day:

    "Stay Away" --- They violate the privacy of clients
    "If you don't gossip like a teenager you'll be an outsider"
    reports of an investigation of racism and harassment,
    two persons quit, really solid evidence there in these
    reports that corroborate my holding accusation that the
    man Jamie Villalobos was responsible for this hate.

    That is not the only thing --- but this conspiracy is not just a local regional incidence. When you take into account the regional to a regional collection of reports in this folder, this one shocking:

    Aug 18, 2016
    Helpful (2)
    ACCESS AIDS Care Logo
    "...and another one bites the dust."
    Current Employee - Anonymous Employee in Norfolk, VA
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook
    Disapproves of CEO
    I have been working at ACCESS AIDS Care full-time


    None come to mind at the moment and I am really trying to come up with one or two.


    -Executive Director angry and VERY retaliatory. -Mismanagement of grant funds. AGAIN. -Executive Director still there even after extortion case. -Very unorganized . -Favoritism if your in the click. If not oh well. -Treats employees and clients like they are nothing. -Low pay for an extreme amount of committment. -ZERO ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. -If I could leave zero stars i would.. -I'm sure you get the picture.

    Advice to Management

    Restructure the entire organization starting at the top and working down. Why the Board does not see where the problem lies is beyond me which makes me look at the Board as well.


    What the [censored] is happening here? --- is just one place on the web justified to be noted for the record.

    The truthfinder data reports are stored in that folder -- the details then opening to web search engine matches.

    That is how I used Truthfinder legally --- to create content on the web ---- EXPOSING HATERS THAT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO WIN!

    Doctor: [ Disqus! Comments Profound ]

    This hate conspiracy goes all of the ways up to the top of the federal government to the CDC HIV Director...
    This is his record -- last thing I have updated to the documentation of this conspiracy.
    I have used Truthfinder to look up his middle name and email addresses --- outside of Twitter itself.
    and direct communications to the moral agency --- this is the puppeteer master at the highest order
    of hate...

    0 Votes
  • Ja
      7 mins ago

    Corrected: glassdoor URL for Colorado Health Network

    Once again the collective region to region research findings directory is:


    While you want to know more --- the best location for that is these links:

    My next presentation will be this ComplaintsBoard Page Archived with Spoken voice Narrative to:


    if what is said here was not the truth, and that was affixed to the domain name as shown, it would be a statement liable and defamation claims could be sought. But since what is showing here in words and lins represents the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the real up human truth, the absolute real up human truth, the absolute moral real up human truth, someone should follow the #WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s on the site to "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" and to follow words of Pope Francis call to our nations action in front of Congress in September 2015. All these wisdoms are being lost on haters in charge of lives, playing god to pick and choose who deserves care and who deserves to be dead. We are at a stage of extreme insult that every word here I say is the truth.

    Someone down the family tree line in those who hold this conspiracy to be remaining policy without regards will regret the day when their grandson walks up to them and asks, why did you kill those people that Mr. Driskill online has shown to be true... why did you kill people, Grand Daddy? Would you also kill me? I have HIV too. So, you would kill me too? Really Grand Daddy, really sick you are ---- GET THE [censored] OUT OF MY LIFE ---- MURDERER!

    It will be the last over hanging roof to hold grand daddy to his ending day. He will die alone --- alone in the streets -- just like those who he put force into that direction. Doctor Mermin, mark my words. This is an embarrassment to any who see this post ---a stain onto our country ---- you are the top most hater ---- because you can't be honest.

    Time to repent --- for your family reputations down the chain. Time to denounce this hate and turn this around to find forgiveness for a fault of holding a false belief to a fault that can't be held fault anymore. It is your fault when you pass by these words, someone will grasp them, copy them --- send them to you --- or to your family members.

    Everyone Answers To Someone : From: Barbra Streisand "Don't Lie To Me" Album Walls.

    Play a random selection music track on pick list --- see the directory.!

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